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NSE 603E - Radiation Proc.for Nanomateris

Course Objectives

• Explanation of the role of radiation processes on the potential applications of nanomaterials,
• Investigation of the use of radioisotopes for the nano technological purposes at the medical and industrial areas,
• Inform about changes of the properties of nanomaterials by using the radiation processes,
• Constitution of a background for the evolution of the advanced technology applications.

Course Description

Radiation and effects on nanomaterials, radiation measurements in nano-sized structures, radiation applications on semiconductor nanocrystals, nuclear techniques in nanotechnology, radiation processes in doped nanomaterials, micro exposure and micro dosimetry, radiation sensitive nanomaterials, usage of the radiation progressed nanomaterials, nanomaterial applications in scintillators, radiation methods in nano sized medical and textile products.

Course Coordinator
Sevilay Hacıyakupoğlu
Course Language
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