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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimari Tasarım III
English Architectural Design III
Course Code
MTZ 513 Credit Lecture
Semester -
6 3 6 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Belkıs Uluoğlu
Course Objectives 1. To understand architecture and design as a process of discovery and research;
2. To enable a medium for understanding non-linear design processes in architecture;
3. To organize an experimental medium for creation of novel ideas in architecture;
4. To realize the preliminary design and design development phases of an architectural design project.
Course Description Exploration of emergent technologies in architectural design; design as a research activity; design and development of systems; material, structural, mechanical, and environmental parameters in the design of buildings; emergence, biomimetics, evolutionary design processes; use of dynamic tools and technologies for the design of buildings; finalizing the work with preliminary design and design development projects.
Course Outcomes 1. Developing and intensifying knowledge in the architectural design area, based upon the competency in the undergraduate level (sufficient knowledge) (knowledge)
2. The ability to use the expert-level theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in architectural design area (skill)
3. Interpreting and forming new types of knowledge by combining knowledge from the architectural design area and knowledge from various other disciplines (skill)
4. Solving the problems faced in the area by making use of research methods (skill)
5. The ability to carry out a specialist study related to architectural design area independently (Competence to work independently and take responsibility)
6. Developing new strategic approaches to solve the unanticipated and complex problems arising in the practical processes of the architectural design area and coming up with solutions while taking responsibility (Competence to work independently and take responsibility)
7. Assessing the specialist knowledge and skill gained through the study with a critical view and directing one’s own learning process (Learning competence)
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