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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yazılım Tasarımı Kalitesi
English Software Design Quality
Course Code
BLG 625 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Feza Buzluca
Course Objectives 1. Teaching software measurement concepts
2. Teaching popular software metrics and their applications
3. Teaching how to detect software design flaws and clones using software metrics
4. Teaching software quality visualization technics
Course Description Fundamentals of software measurement
Software design metrics, software quality models
Detection of the software design flaws
Visualization of software quality
Course Outcomes
Pre-requisite(s) Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Required Facilities
Textbook Fenton, N and Bieman, J. (2015), Software metrics: A rigorous and practical approach, 3/e, CRC Press.

Abran, A. (2010) Software Metrics and Software Metrology, IEEE Computer Society- John Wiley&Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA.

Lanza. M. ve Marinescu, R. (2006). Object-oriented metrics in practice : using software metrics to characterize, evaluate, and improve the design of object-oriented systems, Springer -Verlag, Berlin.
Other References
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