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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Çevre Sis.Koku ve Emisyon Kont
English Odour and voc control in the environmental systems
Course Code
CBM 514 Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Kadir Alp
Course Objectives The learning objectives of this course are given below:
1. Giving the basic knowledge to student about odor and VOC pollution arising environmental systems,and raising the awareness
2. To be informed of students about odor and VOC pollutants sampling and measurument, air quality management application and legal statue.
3. Undestanding of odor and VOC formation mechanism and control methodologies for environmental systems and take into consideration for design criteria of env. Systems.
Course Description Introduction, definition of odor and VOC. Odor sampling and measurement techniques on the sources and ambient air.Olfactometric and analytical techniques.Toxic air emission. Odor generation and release on the Environmental Systems(collection systems, wastewater treatment plants, sludge digestion and drying plants, combustion plants, gasification plants, solid and hazardous waste deposition plants, compost plants). Odor emission inventory. Odor nuisance and effects on the public health ıssues.Minimizing odor and fugitif VOC emissions.Containment of odors and emissions from wastewater Treatment plants. Biological, phsycochemical and thermal odor control.odor modeling. Odor pollution legislation
Course Outcomes M.S students who successfully pass this course gain the knowledge, skills and competency given below;
I. I.Developing and intensifying knowledge in the related program’s area, based upon the competency in the undergraduate level (sufficient knowledge) (knowledge).
II. II. Interpreting and forming new types of knowledge by combining the knowledge from the area and the knowledge from various other disciplines (skill).
III. III. Assessing the specialistic knowledge and skill gained through the study with a critical view and directing one’s own learning process (Learning Competence).
IV. IV. Using the knowledge and the skills for problem solving and/or application (which are processed within the area) in inter-disciplinary studies (Area Specific Competency).
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Rafson,H.(1998). ”Odor and VOC Control”,McGraw Hill
2. Devinny JS, Deshusses MA, Webster TS(2002). “Biofiltration for Air Pollution Control”,Lewis Pub.
3. Tata,P.,Witherspoon,J.,Lue-Hing, C.(2003). VOC Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants, Characterization, Control and Compliance, Lewis Publ.
4. WEF(2004). “Control of odors and Emissions from Wastewater treatment Plants”Manual of Practice No.25, ISBN 978-1-57278-189-4,
Other References
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