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CKY 549 - Structural System Design

Course Objectives

Structural Design Goals. Classification of Structures. Reinforced concrete structural systems. Prefabricated concrete structural systems. Modern and industrial structural systems. Steel structural systems. Light steel structural systems. Conventional and modern masonry structures. Conventional and modern wooden structures. Space truss systems. Suspension, tensioned and inflated membrane structural systems. Seismic Isolation Systems, actif and passive systems and clasification. Structural system foundations, shallow and deep foundations, earthworks, piles vb. Structural system and eartquake damages.Seismic design principles.

Course Description

Structural Design Goals. Classification of Structures. Reinforced concrete structural systems. Prefabricated concrete structural systems. Modern and industrial structural systems. Steel structural systems. Light steel structural systems. Conventional and modern masonry structures. Conventional and modern wooden structures. Space truss systems. Suspension, tensioned and inflated membrane structural systems. Seismic Isolation Systems, actif and passive systems and clasification. Structural system foundations, shallow and deep foundations, earthworks, piles vb. Structural system and eartquake damages.Seismic design principles.

Course Coordinator
Necdet Torunbalcı
Course Language
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