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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Deprem Tehlike Analizleri
English Seismic Hazard Assesment
Course Code
DEP 514E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Yasin Fahjan
Course Objectives It is intended to provide earthquake engineering students with the basic concepts related to earthquake hazard and risk analyses both in theory and in practice. The course encompasses basic information on earthquakes engineering parameters, probabilistic and deterministic hazard analyses and introduction to earthquake risk assessment.
Course Description 1. Historical and Instrumental Seismicity, Earthquake Source, Faulting, Hypocenter, Epicenter and Fault types
2. Earthquake Ground Motion Parameters, Peak Values, Response Spectra
3. Attenuation Relationships: Intensity, PGA, PGV and SA based Attenuations.
4. Maximum Considered Earthquakes, Lower and Upper Bound Magnitudes
5. Deterministic Hazard Analyses, Credible Worst Case Scenario
6. Earthquake Catalogues, Catalogue Completeness, Seismic Source Regionalization, Background Seismicity/Zone, Recurrence Relationships
7. Probabilistic Hazard Analysis, Probability of Exceedance
8. Introduction to Probabilistic Hazard Analysis
9. Incorporation of Site Effects into Hazard Analysis: Site Dependent Hazards
10. Introduction to Earthquake Risk Assessment: Intensity based / Spectral Displacement Based Vulnerabilities
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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