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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tribolojinin Esasları
English Principles of Tribology
Course Code
MET 610E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hüseyin Çimenoğlu
Murat Baydoğan
Course Objectives 1. To define friction, wear and lubrication concepts,
2. To teach wear mechansims,
3. To teach lubrication mechanisms,
4. To Introduce wear test methods,
5. To understand internal and external factors affecting friction and wear.
Course Description Solid surface characterization, Analysis of surface roughness, Measurement of surface roughness, Contact between solid surfaces, Analysis of contact, Laws of friction, Thermal analysis and temperature measurements at interfaces, Fluid film lubrication, Boundary lubrication, Wear and types of wear, Wear test methods, Micro/nanotribology, Bulk materials, coatings and surface treatments for tribology,
Course Outcomes Students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and competency in the following subjects;
1. To understand friction, wear and lubrication concepts,
2. To design wear tests and interpret their results,
3. To understand internal and external factors affecting wear resistance of materials,
4. To determine which wear mechanisms are effective for a given tribopair,
5. To understand how to reduce wear for a given mechanism,
6. To construct wear mechanism maps and their use in scientific and technological aspects,
7. To evaluate wear properties of materials based on other mechanical properties,
8. To compare wear properties of bulk and nano structured materials.
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