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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Organik Sentezlerde Katalizörler
English Catalysts in Organic Synthesis
Course Code
KIM 514E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Okan Sirkecioğlu
Course Objectives 1. Catalyst Chemistry: Homogenous, heterogenous and biocatalytic systems.
2. To gain a comprehensive overview on industrial production methods and various physical and chemical properties of catalyst which is using in organic synthesis.
3. To design and synthesis of organomethalic complexes.
4. Important of Selectivity in organic synthesis by catalysis.
5. Modern organic reactions
Course Description Introduction. Catalyst Structures and Mechanisms. Heterogenous and homogenous catalysts. Biocatalysts. Catalyst in green chemistry. The electron rule, oxidation state and design organomethalic catalyst for synthesis. Asymmetric Catalytic system. Coupling reactions, carbonylation, alkene and alkyne insertion reactions. Electrophilic alkene complexes. Reactions of alkyne complexes. -Allyl complexes. Diene, dienyl and arene complexes. Cycloisomerization and cycloaddition reactions in organic synthesis.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and competency in the following subjects;
I. Catalyst Chemistry: Homogenous, heterogenous and biocatalytic systems
II. Industrial application of catalysts which is using at organic synthesis.
III. Production, compounds, complexes, usage and applications of organomethalic complexes.
IV. Important of Selectivity in organic synthesis by catalysis.
V. Biocatalysis and bio-organic mechanisms.
VI. Modern organic reactions such as C-C Couplings, olefin metathesis, oxidations and reductions.
Required Facilities
Textbook 1)Organic Synthesis using Transition Metals
Roderick Bates, Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.
2)Advanced Organic Chemistry
Reinhard Bruckner, Harcourt academic Press, 1996.
3)Organic Synthesis,
Micheal B.Smith, McGraw Hill, 1994.
4)Organic &Bio-organic Mechanisms; Michael Page and Andrew Williams,
Longman, 1997
5)Stoichiometric Asymmetric Synthesis, Mark Rizzacasa and Michael Perkins, Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.
Other References
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