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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Special Topics on Environmental Control and Construction Technologies
English Çevre Kontrolü ve Yapı Teknolojisinde Özel Konular
Course Code
CKY 541E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ferhat Pakdamar
Course Objectives 1. Gain the basics of earthquake resistant design principles and architectural design
2. Grasp the key points in seismic design for architects
3. Develop skills on how to define structural behavior under earthquake loading
4. Ability to use the new techniques and modern engineering tools necessary for architectural engineering practice.
Course Description Earthquake Resistant Design Principles

Within the context of the course, seismicity, dynamics of structures, geotechnical design, seismic codes and new technologies for architectural design. At the end of the course, students will be capable of thinking the effect of earthquake on their architectural designs.
Course Outcomes 1. Gain the basics of earhtquake resistant design principles and architectural design.

Contribution to Program Outcomes
1. Obtain scientific and technological knowledge in the context of the solutions of architectural problems of natural disasters and sustainability at vernacular, national and international level.
2. Follow technological developments, access contemporary and scientific information,

Method of assessment
1. Written exam

2. Grasp the key points in seismic design for architects Contribution to Program Outcomes
1. Demonstrate effective action in interdisciplinary research groups.
2. Collaborate with associations and committees that are effective in professional practice.

Method of assessment
1. Written exam

3. Develop skills on how to define structural behaviour under earthquake loading

Contribution to Program Outcomes
1. Obtain scientific and technological knowledge in the context of the solutions of architectural problems of natural disasters and sustainability at vernacular, national and international level.
2. Collaborate with associations and committees that are effective in professional practice .
3. Think independently and critically in the area of profession.

Method of assessment
1. Written exam
Required Facilities
Other Details will be announced by the lecturers
Other References 1. ASCE/ SEI 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.
2. Türk Deprem Yönetmeliği.
3. TS500, Betonarme Yapıların Tasarım ve Yapım Kuralları
4. ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, American Concrete lnstitute .
5. Other standarts and codes
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