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CHZ 447 - Flotation

Course Objectives

1. To give both theoretical and practical knowledge on flotation and flocculation both of which are the most important mineral processing techniques for very finely liberated particles.
2. To give information about flotation properties of different minerals and their interactions with various reagents (collectors, control reagents, frothers etc.),
3. To explain industrial applications of flotation with relevant some examples.

Course Description

Surface chemistry of flotation, Solid, liquid and gas phases, electrochemical potential, surfaces and interfaces, thermodynamics of interfaces, contact angles in three-phase systems. Flotation reagents, anionic and cationic collectors, non-ionizing collectors, control reagents, froths, interaction of reagents with minerals. Coagulation, flocculation and dispersion, selective flocculation. Flotation techniques, ore and pulp properties, flotation machines, flotation circuits, auxiliary apparatus. Flotation applications on naturally floatable minerals, sulfides, oxides and salt type minerals.

Course Coordinator
Gülay Bulut
Course Language
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