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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Nanohydrometallurgy
English Nanohydrometallurgy
Course Code
MET 614E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mehmet Şeref Sönmez
Course Objectives 1. To develop students skills to select, develop and produce alternative flow sheets for processing of metals, minerals and materials by hydrometallurgical methods,
2. To build students skills in description of new technologies contacting between the principles for the production of bulk materials and the principles for the production of materials on a nano-scale,
3. To improve students’ knowledge on the principles of nanohydrometallurgical applications as an integral component of nanotechnology,
4. To improve students conscious about the physical and chemical principles of nanohydrometallurgical processes.
Course Description Hydrometallurgical processes, chemical hydrometallurgy, nanohydrometallurgy and principles of colloidal chemistry, sol-gel processing, hydrolysis and condensation, sols and gels, gelation, aging of gels, theory of deformation in gels, drying, structural change, surface chemistry and chemical modification, sintering, hydrothermal synthesis technology, principles and applications, hydrothermal crystal growth, hydrothermal reaction synthesis, electrochemistry of nanostructured materials, electro-deposition and electro-dissolution
Course Outcomes 1. Investigate and interpret of hydrometallurgical processes and technologies,
2. Learn principles of nanohydrometallurgical processes in the production of materials in nano scale
3. Examine sol-gel synthesis of materials, processes, and applications,
4. Learn hydrothermal synthesis of materials, processes, and applications
5. Examine nanostructured materials synthesized using electrochemical techniques, processes and applications.
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