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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yönetim ve Organizasyon
English Management and Organization
Course Code
ISL 803 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator İsmail Hakkı Biçer
Course Objectives 1.To explain the basic managerial roles and functions, the process of management cycle
and the evolution of management thought from early to contemporary management
2.To explain and discuss the role of planning function among other management functions.
3.To explain and discuss the role of organizing function among other management
4.To explain and discuss the role of leadership function among other management
5.To explain and discuss the role of controlling and taking corrective action.
Course Description Management, managerial concepts, key management processes of planning,
organizing, leading, coordinating, controlling and correcting with an emphasis
to the human element in technology-driven production and service
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Identify management processes of organizations, especially, in the context of technology based
2. Define and compare management and manager concepts, management processes.
3. Identify the evolution of management process and modern management issues.
4. Analyze the processes of effective resource planning, identifying organizational vision and mission and
establishing a business plan.
5. Determine decision making steps under the pressure of uncertain conditions.
6. Identify the motives that effect resource distribution, explain the factors that shape the organizational
7. Understand and compare the managerial competencies that motivate and lead organization members
toward organizational goals, resolve intra-organizational conflicts.
8. Measure and evaluate the organizational goals and current outcomes.
Required Facilities
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