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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Enerji Dönüşüm Sistemleri
English Energy Conversion Sysytems
Course Code
GEM 601E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Selma Ergin
Course Objectives 1. To investigate the energy conversion systems for ships
2. To teach the modeling techniques of the energy conversion systems
3. To investigate the environmental effects of energy conversion
4. To teach the energy storage systems
5. To investigate the energy efficiency of ships
Course Description Energy and power: technology and resources, efficiency, power systems, counterflow gas heat exchangers, heat engine process modelling, energy limited cycles: Otto and Diesel engines, temperature limited cycles: Brayton and Ericson, Stirling cycle engines, fluid property limited cycles: Rankine and cycle combinations, nozzles, compressors, axial flow turbines, energy storage, direct energy conversion systems, fuel cells, environmental aspects of energy conversion.
Course Outcomes Students that complete the course with success, will acquire the following qualities:
1. Able to model energy conversion systems
2. Able to design energy efficient ships
3. Able to understand the effects of energy conversion on the environment
4. Able to understand the energy storage techniques
5. Able to analyze the energy conversion systems for ships
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Decher,R.; Energy Conversion Systems, Flow, Physics and Engineering', Oxford University Press., 1994.
Other References 1. Harrington, R.L. (Editor); Marine Engineering, SNAME, N.J., 1992.
2. Incropera, F.P. , DeWitt, D.P.; Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 4th Edition, John Wiley&Sons, 1996.
3. Moran, S.; Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd Ed., John Wiley&Sons, 1998.
4. Sieniutycz, S., De Vos, A.; Thermodynamics of Energy Conversion and Transport, Springer, 2000.
5. Sorensen,H.A.; Energy Conversion Systems, John Wiley, New York, 1983.
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