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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Land Management
English Land Management
Course Code
GEO 524E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Tahsin Yomralıoğlu
Course Objectives In today’s world, global drivers such as sustainable development, globalization, economic reforms and technology can change the human and land relations. This change of relation requires new land administration bases and tools. Land management is one of these tools. It is the process by which the resources of land are put to good effect.
2. It covers all activities concerned with the management of land as a resource both from an environmental and from an economic perspective.
3. Effective land management needs land information e.g. information about land resource location, size, land capacity, land tenure and land use. The Cadastre is the primary means of providing information about land.
4. As a result, current land administration systems and cadastral systems which lead the land administration are re-engineered.
5. In this course context, current approaches to land administration process will be described, setting and developing of land management systems be thought.
Course Description Land-human relations today and in future. Land management concepts in urban and rural areas. Land use effects concerning on economical, social and environmental aspects. Land tenure, land property management related approaches. Multipurpose cadastre concepts, cadastral systems and applications. Conceptual development of Land Information Systems (LIS). Functions and requirements for creation and updating of LIS. Developing land policies and strategies for a better and sustainable land use.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects;
• Developing and intensifying knowledge in land management area, based upon theCompetency in the graduate level
• Solving the problems faced in land management by making use of the research methods
• Assessing the specialist knowledge and skill gained through land management with critical view and directing one’s own learning process
• To establish land management cadaster, land property and planning relations and toimprove problem solving talents in Geomatics.
Required Facilities
Other References 1. Dale, P., McLaughlin, J.D., 2003. Land Administration. Oxford Press. ISBN 0- 19-823390-6.
2. Brown, P.M., Moyer, D.D., 1990-1996. Multipurpose land information systems: The guidebook. Federal Geodetic Control Committee. (NOAA).
3. Dale, P., McLaughlin, J.D., 1988. Land Information Management. Clarendon Press, Oxford
4. Dueker, K.J. 1987. Multipurpose Land Information Systems: Technical, Economic, and Institutional Issues. PE&RS, 53(10): 1361-1366.
5. Williamson, I., Rajabifard, A., Feeney, M., 2003. Developing Spatial Data Infrastructures From Concept to Reality, Taylor&Francis Inc.
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