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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Cevher Mikroskopisi
English Ore Microscopy
Course Code
JEO 624 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Emin Çiftçi
Course Objectives The purpose of this course is to teach students the use of ore microscopy: fundamental techniques and optical properties, identification of principle ore minerals (sulfides, oxides, carbonates, silicates and natives), recognizing principle ore textures and their occurrence in association with major types of ore deposits and use of ore microscopy in resolving genetic problems of ore deposits.
Course Description The ore microscope: historical perspective, components and accessories of ore microscope; Reflected light optics; Preparation of samples for ore microscopy: purpose-oriented principle techniques; Ore mineral identification: qualitative methods (optical, hardness, morphological,paragenesis, etc.); Ore mineral textures (primary, secondary and special textures); Determination of paragenetic sequence and data presentation; Ore mineral assemblages; Examples from Turkey.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully completed this course will be able to
I. To get acquainted with the terminology of ore microscopy
II. To get skills and ability with sample prep equipment and be able to prepare samples
III. To get acquainted with the ore microscope and be able to use it
IV. To recognize major ore minerals
V. To recognize principal micro ore-textures
VI. To recognize micro ore-textures of major type ore deposits
VII. To be able to determine ore mineral paragenesis
VIII. To be able to determine paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from any ore deposit and to present it.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities Ore Microscope
Other Polished section suite
Textbook Ramdohr, P., 1981. The ore minerals and their intergrowths. Vol1 & Vol 2, Pergamon press, 1269 sayfa
Other References • Craig, J.R. & Vaughan, D.J., 1994. Ore Microscopy and Ore Petrography, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p 448.
• Pracejus, B., 2008. The ore minerals under the microscope. 1st edition, Elsevier, p. 894
• Augustithis, S-S. P., 1995. Atlas of the Textural Patterns of Ore Minerals and Metallogenic Processes. Walter de Gruyter, p. 659
• Ineson, P.R., 1989. Introduction to practical ore microscopy. Longman, p 181.
• Genç, Y., 1998. Cevher mikroskobisi. Nurol matbaacılık, 170 s.
• Cevher Mikroskopisi by İbrahim ÇOPUROĞLU, Niğde Üniv., Jeoloji Müh., Niğde.
• Jenetik Maden Yatakları ve Cevher Mikroskopisi Laboratuvar Kılavuzu by Nezih TUZCU, Ege Üniv. Fen Fak., Jeoloji Böl. Mart-1975, 50 s.
• Atlas of ore minerals by P Picot & Z Johan, (translated by J. Guilloux & Reviewed by D.H. Watkinson; 458 pages; Elsevier (1982); ISBN-10: 2715900155)
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