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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Reliability Analysis in Power Systems
English Reliability Analysis in Power Systems
Course Code
ELK 511E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ramazan Çağlar
Course Objectives 1- To introduce component reliability functions and basic reliability indices.
2- To introduce system reliability assessment methods.
3- Morkov processes based time-dependent reliability evaluations and reliability indices calculations.
4- Reliability analysis for several functional zones of electric power systems.
Course Description Basic probability, reliability functions and fundamental concepts, system reliability analysis, cut set method, tie set method, event tree method, stand-by systems, discrete Markov Chains, Continuous Markov chains and reliability models, availability, limiting states and approximate calculations, reliability zones in electric power systems, generation system reliability analysis, transmission system reliability analysis, composite system reliability analysis, distribution system reliability analysis, Monte Carlo simulations.
Course Outcomes MSc students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and competency in the following subjects;
I. To review the importance and the development of reliability and to establish the relation between the reliability and the economics.
II. To review the basic probability theory for reliability analysis,
III. To learn the component reliability functions and failure rate models and to derive some information from available data,
IV. To understand the system reliability evaluation methods and to identify the failure modes and the critical components,
V. Time-dependent reliability and reliability indices calculations for mission-oriented systems.
VI. To perform Markov Modeling based reliability calculations for t he systems comprising multi-state components.
VII. To perform reliability evaluations and reliability indices calculations for several functional zones of electric energy systems.
VIII. Reliability calculations by Monte Carlo simulations.
Pre-requisite(s) To help students learning and comprehending the course material better, 4-5 individual homeworks and a group term project will be assigned.
Required Facilities The students should use the computer for the solution of the homework questions. In addition, they have to use some power flow software and/or computational software for their term Project.
Textbook 1. R. Billinton, R. N.Allan, "Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems", Plenum Press, 1983 (1st Ed.), 1992 (2nd Ed.)
Other References 2. B.S. Dhillon, “Applied Reliability and Quality [electronic resource] : Fundamentals, Methods and Procedures Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2007.
3. M.Xie, Y-S Dai, and K. Leng “Computing systems reliability [electronic resource] : models and analysis, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2004.
4. W. Li, “ Risk assessment of power systems [electronic resource] : models, methods, and applications”, John Willey and Sons, 2005.
5. A. J. Pansini, “Transmission line reliability and security” Marcel Dekker, c2004
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