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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimarlık teknolojilerinde araştırma yöntemleri
English Research Meth.in Archit.Techn.
Course Code
CKY 537E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator
Course Objectives 1. To determine suitable research styles for master thesis topics in the context of architectural technology.
2. Basic knowledge on the research processes in the context of architectural technology.
3. To use suitable research styles in the area of architectural technology in the context of master thesis.
Course Description Research fields in architectural technology, basic definitions; research methods and research processes in the fields of building materials, building element design and construction, environmental control (energy, lighting, acoustics etc.), structural systems in architecture; research styles in the context of architectural technology: observations, surveys, interviews, case studies, computer simulations, laboratory experiments, field tests. Qualitative and quantitative approaches
Course Outcomes M.Sc. students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects;
1) To gain knowledge and skills concerning process and principles of survey and interview methods in the context of architectural technology.
2) To gain knowledge and skills concerning process and principles of observation and case studies methods in the context of architectural technology.
3) To gain knowledge and skills concerning process and principles of computer simulation method in the context of architectural technology.
4) To gain knowledge and skills concerning process and principles of laboratory experiment and field test methods in the context of architectural technology.
5) To gain skills to determine suitable research styles for master thesis topics in the context of architectural technology.
Required Facilities
Other References Fellows, R., Liu, A., Researchmethods for construction , Malden, MA : Blackwell Science, 2003
Knight, A. (ed.), Advanced research methods in the built environment, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : Wiley, 2008
Farrell, P.,Writing a built environment dissertation : practical guidance and examples, West Sussex, U.K. : Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011
Nutaro, j.,Building software for simulation : theory and algorithms, Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011
Clarke, J.A. , Energy simulation in building design, Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001
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