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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mikrobiyal Genetik
English Microbial Genetics
Course Code
MBG 622E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ayten Karataş
Course Objectives The basic terms and definitions used in microbial genetics, types of mutations and genetic analysis, plasmids, molecular mechanisms of bacterial conjugations, transformations, development of natural competans and transductions, genetics of bacteriophage, transpositions and integrons, global regulatory mechanisms
Course Description The basic terms and definitions used in microbial genetics, types of mutations and genetic analysis, plasmids, molecular mechanisms of bacterial conjugations, transformations, development of natural competans and transductions, genetics of bacteriophage, transpositions and integrons, global regulatory mechanisms
Course Outcomes Ph.D. students who successfully pass this course
I. Know the basic terms and definitions used in microbial genetics
II. Types and mechanisms of mutations and genetic analysis
III. Structure and classifications of plazmids, molecular mechanisms of plazmid replication and kontrol systems, mechanims to prevent the curing of plasmids
IV. Moleküler mechanisms of microbial cojugations and control systems. Applications of conjugations, chromosome mapping by Hfr crossing
V. Moleküler mechanisms of microbial transformations and control systems. Molecular mechanisms of development of natural competence
VI. Moleküler mechanisms of general and specialized transductions. Molecular mechanisms of bacteriophage lytic and lysogenic life systems.
VII. Types and structures of transpsons, types and regulation of transpositions. Structures of Integrons. Know the roles and importance of transposon and integrons in the evolution.
VIII. Mechanisms of homolok and site-spesific rekombinations. The role site –specific recombinations as in the case of gene regulations.
IX. Molecular mechanisms of global regulatory systems. How microbes adapt to environment and talk to each other.
X. New trends and applications in microbial genetics
Required Facilities
Textbook Snyder, L., Champness W., 2007, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria (3th Edition),ASM Press , Washington
Other References
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