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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İki Fazlı Akışlar
English Two Phase Flow
Course Code
MAK 604 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Nurdil Eskin
Course Objectives 1-Introduction to analysis methods, classification of flow patterns and flow regimes.
2-Two-Phase Flow Models, Steady and unsteady one, two and three dimensional modeling: Homogenous Model, Separated Flow Model, Drift-Flux Model
3-Pool boiling,Internal flow Convective Boiling and Condensation;
5-Fluidization, Bubble Formation, Bubble Stability, Fluidized Bed Dryers
Course Description Definition of two-phase flow, introduction to analysis methods, classification of flow patterns and flow regimes. Two-Phase Flow Models, Steady and unsteady one, two and three dimensional modeling: Homogenous Model, Separated Flow Model, Drift-Flux Model Transport effect and InterphaseBehaviour, Fluid-Vapor two phase systems, Internal flow Convective Boiling and Condensation; Fluidization, Bubble Formation, Bubble Stability, Fluidized Bed Dryers
Course Outcomes 1. Learning the two-phase flow concepts, ability to define the flow patterns for internal flows
2. Ability to apply the phase equilibrium especially to gas-liquid systems
3. Learning the modeling of two-phase flow systems and ability to apply them to the actual systems
4. Learning the pressure drop and heat transfer correlations for solid-gas and gas-liquid two phase flows
5. Ability to calculate pressure drop, bed expansion, entrainment and operation velocity range of the solid-gas (fluidized beds) systems
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities
Other References İki-Fazlı akış Modelleri Hakkında:
1. Wallis, G.B.; One-dimensional Two-phase Flow, Mc Graw Hill Inc., 4th Ed., (1981).
2. Ishii,M.,T. Hibiki Thermo-Fluid Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow Springer, 2006.
3. Levy,S.; Two-Phase Flow in Complex systems Wiley & Sons Inc., 1999.
4. Gibilaro,L.G.; Fluidization-Dynamics, Butterworth Heinemann, 2001.
5. Kleinstreuer,C.; Two-Phase Flow- Theory and Applications, Taylor&Francis, 2003.
Gaz-Sıvı İki Fazlı Akışlar Hakkında:
6. Hewitt,G.H., N.S.Hall-Taylor; Annular Two-Phase Flow, Pergamon Press, 1970
7. Lahey,R.T.,Jr. Boiling Heat Transfer Elsevier Science Publishers,1992.
8. Gidaspow,D. Multiphase Flow and Fluidization- Continuum and Kinetic Theory Descriptions , Academic Press, 1994
9. Sohal,M.S.,T.J.Rabos;Two-Phase Flow in Energy Exchange Systems, Hem..Cor., 1992.
Katı-Gaz İki Fazlı Akışlar Hakkında:
10. Fan,L.,C.Zhu; Principles of Gas-Solid Flows Cambridge University Press, 2005.(İlk basım 1998).
11. Fan,L.; Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidization Engineering, Butterworth & Co. Publ.Ltd., 1989
12. Delhaye,J.M.,M.Giot,M.L.Riethmuller; Thermohydraulics of Two-Phase Systems for Industrial Design, Series in Thermal and Fluids Engineering, Hemisphere Publ. Cor., 1981.
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