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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Refrakter ve Toksik Organik Kirleticilerin İleri Oksidasyon Prosesleriyle Arıtımı
English Treatment of Refractory and Toxic Organic Pollutants with Advanced Oxidation Processes
Course Code
CBM 601E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator İdil Arslan Alaton
Course Objectives The learning objectives of this course are given below:
1. General properties, kinetics and types of advanced oxidation processes
2. Application of advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of refractory and toxic organic pollutants found in water and wastewater-principles
3. Application of advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of refractory and toxic organic pollutants found in water and wastewater-laboratory applications
Course Description General information about advanced oxidation processes, kinetics of advanced oxidation processes, classification of advanced oxidation processes, photochemical advanced oxidation processes and applications, chemical advanced oxidation processes and applications, sonolysis, heterogeneous photocatalysis, supercritical water oxidation, electrochemical oxidation, operating costs of advanced oxidation processes, toxicity control with advanced oxidation processes, laboratory scale applications and demos.
Course Outcomes PhD students who successfully pass this course gain the knowledge, skills and competency given below;
I. Developing and intensifying knowledge in advanced oxidation processes (knowledge).
II. The ability to evaluate and use information gathered from scientific studies and applications related with advanced oxidation processes (skill).
III. The ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information about principles and applications of advanced oxidation processes (skill).
IV. Preparing a presentation and report in English (Communication and Social Competency).
V. Acquiring the most developed skills about using research methods in laboratory studies related with advanced oxidation processes (skill).
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities -
Other -
Textbook Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Simon Parson (editor), IWA Publishing, 2004, Cornwall.
• Photochemical Purification of Water and Air: Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs): Principles, Reaction Mechanisms, Reactor Concepts, Thomas Oppenländer, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2003, Weinheim.
Other References • Chemical Oxidation Applications for Industrial Wastewaters, Olcay Tunay, Işık Kabdaşlı, Idil Arslan-Alaton, Tugba Olmez-Hanci, IWA Publishing, 2010, Cornwall.
• Ozonation of Water and Waste Water: A Practical Guide to Understanding Ozone and its Applications, Christiane Gottschalk, Judy Ann Libra, Adrian Saupe, second edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2010, Weinheim.
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