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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tekstil ve Hazırgiyim Endüstrisinde Tedarik Zincirinin Temelleri
English Principles of Supply Chain in Textile and Apparel Industries
Course Code
HGP 502 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
- 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Şeyda Serdar Asan
Course Objectives 1. To introduce general information about the structure and basic operations of textile and apparel
supply chain in apparel.
2. To introduce strategic, tactical and operating issues of supply chain: business strategies, lean, agile
and leagile supply paradigms
3. To develop abilities of planning, managing and controlling of textile and apparel supply chain.
4. To introduce supply chain information systems,
Course Description Overview of supply chain management in textile and apparel industries: principles and concepts, terms and
definitions. Analysis of global textile and apparel supply chains: voluntary interindustry organizations and
standards established by retail, apparel and textile firms success stories. Strategic, tactical and operating
issues of supply chain: business strategies, lean, agile and leagile supply paradigms, identifying and
targeting the consumer, analyzing the trade area, forecasting and sourcing decisions, distribution strategies
and network configuration. Supply chain information systems. Supply chain integration and strategic
partnering. Supplying and purchasing through the textile and apparel supply chain, inventory management,
warehouse management, product design and production management, logistics and transportation.
Approaches to solving problems in manufacturing, sourcing, transportation logistics, and retail operations
within the integrated textile complex.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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