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PEM 501E - Project I

Course Objectives

1. To elaborate the role of urban green systems for urban sustainability in a studio based teaching environment.
2. To discuss the relationship between urban green networks and energy efficiency as part of knowledge based design process; and to promote creative and innovative design in this front.
3. To discuss the alternatives of planning and design decisions and its technical presentation

Course Description

Urban sustainability: role of urban green systems, Components of urban green networks, Green networks and energy efficiency in landscapes, Introduction of project site: defining ecological processes in the site and contextual relationships, Concept development. Developing planning and programming alternatives, Developing conceptual design as part of a knowledge based design process (1/2000, 1/1000), Avan project (1/500), Two and three dimensional presentations and preparation of final presentation.

Course Coordinator
Meltem Erdem Kaya
Course Language
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