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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Biyomalzemelerin tasarım esasları
English Design Essentials of Biomateri
Course Code
MAK 685E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Celaletdin Ergun
Celaletdin Ergun
Course Objectives The structure and types of hard and soft tissues. Post-implantation bone formation, modeling and healing mechanisms. Concepts of bone adaptation, osseointegration, micro motion, stress shielding and bone resorption. Tissue / Biomaterial interface, stress transfer in between. The biomechanical properties of tissues and biological forces. Aspects of Biocompatibility. Materials and forms used in implants and Prosthesis. Fracture fixation devices, implants and artificial prosthesis systems.
Course Description Kemik ve yumuşak dokuların yapısı, çeşitleri. İmplantasyon sonrası kemik oluşumu, büyüme veya iyileşme mekanizmaları. Yükler altında kemik adaptasyonu, osseointegrasyon, mikro hareket, gerilme izolasyonu ve kemik erimesi kavramları. Doku/biyomalzeme ara yüzeyi, gerilme transferi. Sert ve yumuşak dokuların biyomekanik özellikleri ve biyolojik kuvvetler. Biyouyumluluk kavramı. İmplant protez malzemeleri ve formları. Kırık sabitleme cihazları, iç fiksatör plakalar, dış fikzatörler, intramedular ve harrington çubukları. Yapay eklemler, diş implantları, yapay yumuşak dokular.
Course Outcomes Students who have completed this course will learn about :
a. The structure and properties of hard and soft tissues and the level of biological forces.
b. Post implantation, bone formation, healing, resorption mechanics and the effect of loading
on these mechanisms.
c. Implant / prosthesis interface and its importance in implant / prosthesis design.
d. The concept of biocompatibility and Assumptions and its importance in implant / prosthesis
e. Types and properties of implant / prosthesis materials and their forms.
f. Types and applications of implant / prosthesis systems.
Pre-requisite(s) no
Required Facilities N/A
Textbook lecture notes
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