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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Enerji Sistemlerinde Geçici Olaylar
English Transients in Power Systems
Course Code
ELK 604 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Mustafa Bağrıyanık
Course Objectives 1. The aim of this course is to give mathematical models for transient analysis of the power transmission systems,
2. The necessary mathematical methods required in the analyzing of switching transients,
3. The information about computer simulation techniques and software
Course Description Introduction, Transmission Line Parameters, effect of ground conductor on the series impedance and shunt admittance matrix, transformation methods for transient calculations used in power systems, single conductor energy system with ground return, modelling of multi conductor energy system with multi terminal components and transformation of P-matrix, interconnection of multi conductor systems with different characteristics, various applications of mathematical conductor modelling.
Course Outcomes 1. Analysis of switching transient,
2. Determination of line parameters
3. The selection of the appropriate transmission line model
4. Numerical simulation of electrical transients.
Required Facilities
Textbook A. Greenwood A., Electrical Transients in Power Systems, second edition, Wiley, 1991
Other References 1. H.W. Dommel, EMTP Theory Book, second edition, Microtran Power Systems Analysis Corporation, Vencouver, B.C., 1992.
2. N. Watson and J. Arrillaga, Power System Electromagnetic Transients Simulation, IEE Pub., 2003.
3. L.V. Sluis, Transients in Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2001.
4. A. Ametani, N. Nagaoka, Y. Baba, T. Ohno, “Power System Transients: Theory and Applications”, CRC Press, 2013.
5. J.C. Das, “Transients in Electrical Systems: Analysis, Recognition, and Mitigation”, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
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