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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Antik Mimarlık ve Antik Şehirler
English Ancient Architec.& Anci.Cities
Course Code
MIT 512E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Zeynep Kuban Tokgöz
Course Objectives The lecture aims to introduce the opportunity of examining and comparing especially old and middle age architecture in situ for willing students, who want to have a deeper knowledge about the history of architecture.
Course Description Taking the courses on ancient architecture obtained from the undergraduate courses as a basis; this course aims to investigate ancient cities, their historical and topographical settings and the specific buildings composing them in a more specific sense. This might include a narrow approach to one historical city as well as the investigation of one specific historical region. The theoretical work with the material will be rounded up with field surveys concerning the investigated places and buildings.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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