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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Jeotermal Sistemlerin Jeokimyasal Değerlendirmesi ve Kullanım Teknikleri
English Geoc.Eval.of Geoth.Sys.&Ut.Tec
Course Code
JEO 557E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Emin Çiftçi
Course Objectives 1 Geothermal systems and their classification,
2 Thermodynamic properties of water (steam tables),
3 Geochemical properties of thermal waters, geothermometers, field measurement and investigation techniques,
4 Alteration of rocks, stability diagrams techniques,
5 Utilization techniques of thermal water and steam
Course Description In this course, Geothermal systems and their classification, thermodynamic properties of water (steam tables), geochemical properties of thermal waters, geothermometers, field measurement and investigation techniques, alteration of rocks, stability diagrams, utilization techniques of thermal water and steam
Course Outcomes 1 Geothermal systems and their classification,
2 Thermodynamic properties of water (steam tables),
3 Geochemical properties of thermal waters, geothermometers, field measurement and investigation techniques,
4 Alteration of rocks, stability diagrams, techniques,
5 Utilization techniques of thermal water and steam
Pre-requisite(s) NONE
Required Facilities NONE
Textbook Geothermal Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment 1st Edition
by William E. Glassley
Other References 1 Baskov, EA (1987), The Fundamentals of Paleohydrogeology of Ore Deposits, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 253p.
2 Browne, PRL (1998), Hydrothermal Alteration, Geothermal Inst. Univ. of Auckland lecture
3 Hochstein, MP, Soengkono, S. (1997), Geothermal Exploration for Earth Scientists Geophysics Lecture Notes, Geothermal Inst. Univ. of Auckland, 228
4 Nicholson,K (1993), Geothermal Fluids Chemistry and Exploration Techniques, Springer
5 Erguvanlı,K., Yüzer,E. (1973), Yeraltısuları Jeolojisi (Hidrojeoloji), İTÜ Kütüphanesi sayı: 967, Özarkadaş Matbaası, İstanbul, 340
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