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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish English III
English English 201 - Research Writing
Course Code
ING 201 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Tımothy George Eastlake Davıs
Course Objectives 1. Improve students’ reading and writing skills as well as evaluating and interpreting written information
2. Improve students’ technical vocabulary
3. Create awareness of sound, scholarly sources
4. Enhance knowledge about a specific subject related to their department
5. Enable awareness and application of the research process by conforming to the conventions of academic life
and adhering to the norms of research ethics
Course Description English 201 is a course designed to teach the organizational and critical thinking skills necessary for logical
written expression. The course focuses on writing a research paper of at least 3000 words based on sound
scholarly sources on a topic of interest related to a student’s field by conforming to the APA standards of writing
without committing plagiarism. In this course the whole research process is taught step by step through skills
including research, source selection, choice of topic, construction and defense of a thesis statement, citing
sources, outlining, organizing a “References” page and note taking. Critical elements of the course are
instruction in paraphrasing and summarizing techniques, use of quotations and the incorporation of these
research findings in the paper together with the inclusion of personal comments, avoidance of plagiarism and
conforming to ethical rules.
Course Outcomes
Pre-requisite(s) ING 201 COURSE RULES
1. In the ING 201 course, it is necessary for students to prepare an academic research paper based on
academic resources by observing APA rules. The prepared work will be submitted as both hard and
soft copies.
2. As announced by ITU Dean of Student Affairs, (see http://www.odek.itu.edu.tr/?SayfaId=13)
a. submitting the work of another student both in part or in whole,
b. presenting works without attribution to the original source or using information without
c. having someone else do an assignment,
will incur PENALTIES that will require the student to withdraw from the course and be graded VF.
(Also see ITU Disciplinary Regulations, ITU Word of Honour, and ITU Regulations)
http://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/tr/yonetmelik/lisansyonetmelik.html ,
YÖK Disiplin Yönetmeliği http://www.yok.gov.tr/web/guest/icerik/-
/journal_content/56_INSTANCE_rEHF8BIsfYRx/10279/18283 )
3. Students in participating classes are required to attend the “Information Literacy” education seminar
in the library according to the visitors schedule.
4. Students are not allowed to miss more than 12 (TWELVE) hours of class. Students who are more
than 10 minutes late for a lesson are marked absent. Therefore, as each week new homework is
assigned and in subsequent weeks this homework is checked, for students intending to get a high
grade it is essential that they attend classes regularly. This is especially important for the first four
weeks of the course where the basics of research paper writing are presented. Students who miss
these classes will have difficulty in understanding the basics of the course, fail to submit their
homework, and fail to meet other requirements, resulting in lost points.
5. Students should have the original ING 201 course book with them in the class at all times. Any
violation of copyright (softcopies or photocopies) will result in disciplinary action.
6. At the end of the term, all papers are uploaded to the ITU database. In cases of individual
plagiarism the related students receive a zero grade. If there is plagiarism in the common (shared)
parts of the paper, all the students will fail the course.
7. Group members are required to write their introductory and concluding paragraphs together. Any
student in the group who does not make a contribution to these paragraphs will receive 0 (zero) for
that assignment.
8. Students are responsible for:
a. Submitting their assignments and printouts of their sources on the due date AND
b. Uploading the soft copy of their homework to NINOVA/TURNITIN;
Failure to do so WILL result in a grade of 0 (zero) for that assignment and feedback for that part
may not be given.
9. Students who receive 0 (zero) for an assignment that was not submitted on the due date, must
submit that assignment in order to be able to take the final exam.
10. Students are required to follow the instructor’s announcements via Turnitin/Ninova or their ITU
webmail accounts.
11. The resources students use for their assignments should be reliable, academic and rich in content.
A screenshot showing where the source is located, the cover page, and the page used for citation will
be printed out and attached together. Cited paragraphs should be highlighted and all necessary
information should be provided.
12. Semester assignments account for 60 points, and the final exam accounts for 40 points. All
students must submit a completed set of assignments.
13. The ING 201 final exam is held at 18:00 on a date approved and announced by the Senate. The
final exam lasts 1.5 hrs and is comprised of multiple choice questions. Use of any materials/devices,
including dictionaries, mobile phones, smart watches etc. is forbidden. Students wishing to take a
make-up exam must submit their petitions and relevant documentation to their faculty administrationdeanship.
Any formal approvals are then sent to the SFL Advanced English coordinator.
14. The Grading scale for ING 201 course is as follows:
90-100 AA
83-89 BA
76-82 BB
69-75 CB
62-68 CC
56-61 DC
50-55 DD
0-49 FF
Required Facilities
Textbook Essentials of Research Paper Writing (2. Baskı)
Other References
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