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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İtalyanca II
English ITALIAN 2
Course Code
ITA 102 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 2 - 2
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Valentına Elmettı
Course Objectives The students:
-will learn how to talk about their food habits, recepees and how to express what they like or dislike;
- write a past event or a event in a simple way
- will understand the most common phrases and expressions used the most
-will be able to talk about a city and give indications about it
Course Description Includes BASIC grammar and vocabulary of the Italian language and a starting preparation to the level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Course Outcomes The students that pass this course:
Will understand a general conversation related to a familiar topic
Will be able to talk about their Country and its habits in relation to different meanings
Will be abel to localize themselves and give instruction
Talk about food, habits and tastes ( like/dislike)
Will be prepared for the CILS exam A1 or A2 adolescenti.
Pre-requisite(s) NONE
Required Facilities NONE
Other NONE
Textbook L’italiano all’Universita’, A1-A2 EDILINGUA
Reading book from ELI catalogue ( to be decided)
Italian extra materials’s booklet.
Other References
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