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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İtalyanca III
Course Code
ITA 201 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 2 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Valentına Elmettı
Course Objectives The students will learn to:
1) Speak about facts in the past with more detail making a distinguish betweeen different tipes of past: passato prossımo e ımperfetto
2) Describe people (physical appearance and character);
3) Use preposition and build simple subordinate sentences;
4) Talk about a general event, a traditional festival;
5) Talk about the weather and describe the frequency of actions or events.
6) Express their opinion and agreement or disagreement in a simple way.
7) Desribe a trip you took ın the past as a holiday or school trip
Course Description Pre-Intermediate level Italian grammar and vocabulary, and preparations for A2 level of CILS exams in line with Common European Framework of Reference.
Course Outcomes 1) They will be able to use simple conjunctions like: “because”, “although”, “even”, “yet”, “that” and build simple subordinate sentences;
2) They will be able to express themselves carefully and slowly and understand subjects of conversation.
3) They will be able to explain a fact in the past.
4) They will be able to write a composition/short essay of around 85 words..
5) They will be able to talk about the weather and about frequencies of actions.
Required Facilities
Textbook Text-book: L’italiano all’ Universita’A1 A2 EDILINGUA
Reading book: PINOCCHIO
Other References
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