EBT 511E - Nukleer Reaktor Teorisi
Dersin Amaçları
1. To teach students the fundamental principles of neutron-nucleus interactions and neutron slowing-down.
2. To teach students analytical methods required for the solution of neutron diffusion problems.
3. To teach students the fundamentals of nuclear reactor kinetics and feedback.
4. To prepare students for nuclear reactor core design.
Dersin Tanımı
Neutron cross sections, interaction rates and fission chain reactions.
Neutron slowing down ,thermalization and neutron energy spectrum.
Point kinetics model and its analytical solutions.
Neutron flux, current and Fick's approximation.
Neutron diffusion equation and boundary conditions.
Analytical solutions of the neutron diffusion equation in nonmultiplying and multiplying media.
Criticality calculations and eigenvalue problems.
Hüseyin Atila Özgener
Dersin Dili