MAT 116E - İleri Düzey Bilimsel Hesaplama
Dersin Amaçları
Matematik mühendisliği öğrencilerine bilimsel hesaplamanın ileri düzey prensiplerini öğretmek ve öğrencilerin ileride alacakları ve hesaplarında program yazmak zorunda kalacakları derslere hazırlık sağlamak.
Dersin Tanımı
Introduction to Scientific and Engineering Computing, Introduction to Program Computing Environment, Variables, Operations and Simple Plot, Algorithms and Logic Operators, Errors and Source of Errors, Functions, Linear algebra applications, Gauss elimination, LU decomposition, iterative methods: Gauss-Siedel, Linear least squares regression with built-in functions, Nonlinear equations in single variable, fixed-point iteration in single variable, Newton-Raphson method in single variable equations, Applications to nonlinear equations in single variable with built-in functions, Numerical differentiation in single variable, Numerical integration in single variable, Numerical differentiation and integration with built-in functions, Introduction to solutions of ordinary differential equations with built-in functions.
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