Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi / FIZ 201 - Modern Fizik

FIZ 201 - Modern Fizik

Dersin Amaçları

1) Learning the concepts of the modern physics
2) Building the connection between modern physics and quantum mechanics and learning the application of basic quantum mechanics problems
3) Building the connection between quantum mechanics and many particle systems, such as solid state physics or statistical physics

Dersin Tanımı

Course Content :
Relativity, Particle Properties of Waves, Wave Properties of Particles, Atomic Structure, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Theory of the Hydrogen Atom, Many-Electron Atoms, Molecules, Statistical Mechanics, The Solid State

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