FIZ 233EL - Elektronik 1 Lab.
Dersin Amaçları
To learn how to use voltmeter, amperemeter (ammeter), ohmmeter and to test the validity of Ohm’s Law.
To learn Thevenin’s theorem and its application in circuit analysis,
To learn Thevenin’s theorem and its application in circuit analysis,
To build circuits with diodes that modifies electrical signals,
Learn what a Zener diode is and observe a basic voltage reference application.
To observe input and output characteristics of an NPN-type transistor,
To understand the usage of BJT as a switch and to construct simple logic gates
Define the proper biasing required for the common emitter amplifier and show the
input-output phase relationship of the common emitter amplifier.
The investigation of LDRs about their operating principles
Dersin Tanımı
To learn how to use voltmeter, amperemeter (ammeter), ohmmeter and to test the validity of Ohm’s Law.
To learn Thevenin’s theorem and its application in circuit analysis,
To learn Thevenin’s theorem and its application in circuit analysis,
To build circuits with diodes that modifies electrical signals,
Learn what a Zener diode is and observe a basic voltage reference application.
To observe input and output characteristics of an NPN-type transistor,
To understand the usage of BJT as a switch and to construct simple logic gates
Define the proper biasing required for the common emitter amplifier and show the
input-output phase relationship of the common emitter amplifier.
The investigation of LDRs about their operating principles
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