MAT 202 - Sayısal Yöntemler
Dersin Amaçları
To train students to develop computational and data analysis skills.
To train students to acquire an understanding of the mathematics underlying the various numerical methods and show how numerical methods for solving applied problems in engineering are developed.
To demonstrate the students the importance of applied mathematics for solving practical problems in engineering.
To provide practice in developing, testing and evaluating simple numerical algorithms and experience in C, MATLAB or Fortran
Dersin Tanımı
Hata Analizi, Sonlu Farklar ve Sayısal Türevleme, Interpolasyon, Ekstrapolasyon, En küçük kareler Yöntemi, Sayısal Integral, Doğrusal denklem sistemlerinin çözümü, Doğrusal Olmayan denklem sistemlerinin çözümü, Sıradan türevli diferansiyel denklemler, Tirizler
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