Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / İnşaat Fakültesi / INS 301E / Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Adı
Türkçe Mühendislik Ekonomisi
İngilizce Engineering Economics
Dersin Kodu
INS 301E Kredi Ders
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Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Koordinatörü Esin Ergen Pehlevan
Dersin Amaçları 1. To provide students with a sound understanding of the principles and basic concepts of construction economy.
2. To help students develop skills for applying the basic concepts to engineering problems.
3. To help students develop skills for finding the most economical solution among the alternatives in engineering problems.
Dersin Tanımı Introduction to the concepts of economic analysis and their role in engineering decision making such as engineering costs, time value of money, cash flow models, and comparison of alternatives. Application of analytical methods such as present/future worth analysis, rate of return analysis, benefıt/cost ratio analysis, and replacement analysis to practical engineering problems. Understanding the implications and importance of depreciation, taxes, and inflation in engineering economic problems.
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