Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / İnşaat Fakültesi / CEV 327E / Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Adı
Türkçe Kimyasal Prosesler
İngilizce Chemical Processes
Dersin Kodu
CEV 327E Kredi Ders
Dönem 5
- 2 1 -
Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Koordinatörü Ayşe Erbil
İdil Arslan Alaton
Kadir Özçelik
Dersin Amaçları Eski CEV341
Dersin Tanımı Definition of chemical processes, classification. Applications in environmental engineering. Developing/emerging chemical treatment processes. Processes based on chemical oxidation. Summary of chemical oxidation theory, redox chemistry. Common chemical oxidants. Applications of chemical oxidation: iron and manganese removal, organics removal (phenols, THM-THAA, color, residual COD-TOC oxidation), odor and taste control, sulfur oxidation, cyanide oxidation, chromium reduction. Disinfection: definition and principles, chlorine chemistry, disinfection methods and applications, ozonation and UV treatment. Fundamentals of corrosion, corrosion control methods. Summary of chemical precipitation theory. Mechanism and kinetics of crystallization. Factors affecting solubility. Applications of chemical precipitation. Hardness removal. Stabilization of water. Heavy metal removal. Phosphate precipitation, fluoride removal.
Dersin Çıktıları Same as below
Gereken Olanaklar
Ders Kitabı • George Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L. and Stensel, H. D. (2003). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. 4th Edn. Mc-Graw Hill, New York.
• Tünay O. (1996). Çevre Mühendisliğinde Kimyasal Prosesler. İ.T.Ü. İnşaat Fakültesi Matbaası, Maslak.
• Weber, W. J. Jr. (1972). Physicochemical Processes for Water Quality Control. Wiley Interscience, New York.
Diğer Referanslar
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