Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Kimya-Metalurji Fakültesi / MET 479E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 1st week September 19, 2018
Introduction. Steel production flow charts, definitions and history. Steel industry in Turkey and the World, raw materials, metallurgical operations in Iron and steel production.
2 nd week September 26, 2018
Metallurgical coke production, parameters affecting properties of coke. Iron ores, minerals and iron ore characterization. Iron ores charge preparation processes (metallurgical pre-processing and ore dressing).
3rd week October 3, 2018
Sintering of iron ores and concentrates Pelletizing of iron ore concentrates Agglomeration products, features and tests. Fluxes.
4th week October 10 2018
Production of crude-pig iron. Blast furnace and production plants, Blast Furnace liquid crude iron production, principles and technology, reduction chemistry of iron oxides
5th week October 17 2018
Basic principles of passing the elements to slag and liquid iron and the effects of operating parameters in blast furnace
6th week October 24, 2017
Blast furnace –. Processes and technologies to improve blast furnace efficiency. Tuyere injections.
7th week
Midterm Exam I October 31 2018

***Mid-Semester Break November 05 – November 09, 2018***
8th week November 14, 2018
Basic oxygen steel making. Recent developments in basic oxygen converters. AOD converter and stainless steel production principles and technologies.
9th week November 21, 2018
Electric arc furnace primary and / or secondary sources and developments in steel production.
10th week November 28, 2018
Primary sources (DRI, HBI) and secondary sources (scrap). Refining of steel mill operations Applications.
11th week December 05, 2018
Midterm Exam II
12th week December 12, 2018
De-oxidation and alloying technology and alloying materials (ferro-alloys) and the general principles.
Refining, deoxidizing, and alloying operations, and the principles and practices (Ladle Metallurgy - Secondary Metallurgy) and steel casting technologies.
13th. week December 19, 2018
New - alternative Technologies in Iron and steel production, and their applications.
14th. week December 26, 2018
General considerations. Presentations.
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