Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Mimarlık Fakültesi / MIM 351E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 1 Başlangıç / Çalışmaların Tanıtılması
2 Stüdyo Çalışması / Tasarım Araştırmaları: Tartışma ve Sunumlar
3 Stüdyo Çalışması / Tasarım Araştırmaları: Tartışma ve Sunumlar
4 Stüdyo Çalışması / Tasarım Araştırmaları: Tartışma ve Sunumlar
5 Jüri Değerlendirmesi 1
6 Stüdyo Çalışmaları / Tasarım Geliştirme ve kritik
7 Stüdyo Çalışmaları / Tasarım Geliştirme ve kritik
8 Stüdyo Çalışmaları / Tasarım Geliştirme ve kritik
9 Stüdyo Çalışmaları / Tasarım Geliştirme ve kritik
10 Stüdyo Çalışmaları / Tasarım Geliştirme ve kritik
11 Stüdyo Çalışmaları / Tasarım Geliştirme ve kritik
12 Jüri Değerlendirmesi 2
13 Stüdyo Çalışmaları / Tasarım Geliştirme ve kritik
14 Mimari Tasarım Temsil Araştırması
2 Course Plan
1 mon 19 September Meeting and Introduction I Studio Opening
thu 22 September Structuring Thematic Presentations
for Architectural Design and Regional Master Plan Approaches I Class Work on the movie “Urbanized”
2 mon 26 September Thematic Presentations Day I Thematic Student Presentations Day
Thu 29 September Thematic Building Presentations Day /
Master Plan Approaches Design in scales 1/1000, 1/500 I Thematic Student Presentations Day
3 mon 03 October Master Plan Approaches Design in scales 1/1000, 1/500 + Thematic Building Presentations Day I seminar / Presentations
thu 06 October Field Trip (exact date will be confirmed)
Site Analysis
Concept Work / Conception of Master Plan – Relations /
Research / Design Analysis. I
4 mon 10 October Definition of the concept (Concept Work / Conception of Master Plan continued. 1/1000 – 1/500) II class work
thu 13 October Definition of the concept (Concept Work / Conception of Master Plan continued. 1/1000 – 1/500) II National Holiday
5 mon 17 October Definition of the concept (Concept Work / Conception of Master Plan continued. 1/1000 – 1/500) II class work
thu 20 October Programmatic &Structural Basis Design in scales 1/500, 1/200 II
6 mon 24 October Design Development 1/500, 1/200 II research seminar
thu 27 October Design Development 1/500, 1/200 II sketch exam / class work
7 mon 31 October Design Development 1/500, 1/200 II
thu 03 November Jury Evaluation
Design Decisions – Development - Site Work II class work
8 mon 07 November / Fall Break Fall Break II Fall Break
thu 10 November / Fall Break Fall Break II Fall Break
9 mon 14 November Design Development 1/500, 1/200 III movie
thu 17 November Design Development 1/500, 1/200 III
10 mon 21 November Architectural Interpretation Design in scales 1/200, 1/100 III submission
thu 24 November Architectural Interpretation Design in scales 1/200, 1/100 III sketch exam / class work
11 mon 28 November Architectural Interpretation Design in scales 1/200, 1/100 III seminar
thu 01 December Architectural Interpretation Design in scales 1/200, 1/100 III
12 mon 05 December Architectural Interpretation Design in scales 1/200, 1/100, 1/50 III seminar
thu 08 December Architectural Interpretation Design in scales 1/200, 1/100, 1/50 III
13 mon 12 December Jury Evaluation
/ Design Development in 1/200, 1/100, 1/50 III Jury Evaluation

thu 15 December Design Development in 1/200, 1/100, 1/50 III Discussion / class model work
14 mon 19 December Design Development in 1/200, 1/100, 1/50 III Discussion / class model work
thu 22 December Advanced Development / Presentation
Design Development 1/200 - 1/100 - 1/50 - 1/20 III Discussion / class model work
15 mon 26 December Advanced Development / Presentation
Design Development 1/200 - 1/100 - 1/50 - 1/20 III Board Presentations / Digital Work
thu 29 December Advanced Development / Presentation
Design Development 1/200 - 1/100 - 1/50 - 1/20 III Board Presentations / Digital Work
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