Hoş Geldiniz,
Oturum Aç
Mimarlık Fakültesi
SBP 252E
Dersin Bilgileri
Fakülteye dön
Ana Sayfa
Dersin Bilgileri
Dersin Haftalık Planı
Değerlendirme Kriterleri
Dersin Bilgileri
Dersin Adı
Housing and Site Planning
Housing and Site Planning
Dersin Kodu
SBP 252E
Dersin Dili
Dersin Koordinatörü
Fatih Terzi
Fatih Terzi
Dersin Amaçları
This course aims to provide you with the knowledge, skills and ethical values that are necessary to analyze and evaluate the housing and shelter problems, housing policies and strategies, development and design of residential areas in balance with the natural and social environment. You will be developing your problem solving skills, your analytical thinking skills and your ability to think holistically and conceptually. You will be provided with knowledge on the critical issues related to site analysis and residential site design, housing problems, the nature of housing policies and housing systems. You will be provided with examples and case studies of various housing projects and their evaluation.
Dersin Tanımı
Problems related to housing, and the quality of residential development are some of the basic issues on the agenda of rapidly urbanizing countries. Sensitive site analysis and design are the prerequisites for sustainable environmental quality. This course will concentrate on both site planning/design techniques and housing systems. Course topics, readings and homeworks will address:
• The nature of site planning as a process, on-site and off-site considerations for sustainable environmental quality
• Demographic structure and density considerations
• Conceptual framework for site development
• Technical issues related to site planning
• The nature and magnitude of the housing problem in Turkey with respect to housing indicators
• The nature and functioning of housing systems in Turkey,
• Contemporary challenges for the design of residential sites.
Dersin Çıktıları
Dersin Çıktıları
Gereken Olanaklar
Derse devam zorunluluğu %70'tir.
Yarıyıl içi başarı koşulu: Öğrenciler yıl içi sınavından 35/100 almak ve %70 devam koşulunu sağlamak zorundadır. Bu şartları sağlayamayan öğrenciler dersten başarısız sayılır.
Ders Kitabı
Diğer Referanslar
Balchin, P.N. (1995). Housing Policy: an Introduction, Routledge, London.
Beer, A. R. and C. Higgins (2000). Environmental Planning for Site Development: A manual for sustainable local planning and design, Routledge
Beer, A.(1990). Environmental Planning for Site Development, E&F.N.SPON
Brooks, R. G. (1988). Site planning: Environment, process, and development, Prentice-Hall
De Chiara, J. and L. Koppelman (1984). Time-saver standards for site planning, McGraw-Hill.
De Chiara, J., Panero, J., and Zelnik, M. (1995). Time-saver standards for site planning, McGraw-Hill.
Kirschenmann, I., Muschalek, E. (1980). Residential Districts, Granada, London.
LaGro, J. A. (2008). Site analysis: A contextual approach to sustainable land planning and site design, John Wiley & Sons.
Lynch, K. and G. Hack (1984). Site planning, The MIT Press.
Russ, T. H. and S. M. Russ (2002). Site planning and design handbook, McGraw-Hill Boston.
United Nations (1996). An Urbanizing World: Global Report on Human Settlements, Oxford University Press, Oxford
United Nations (1996). Report of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements HABITAT II, Istanbul, 3-14 June 1996.
United Nations (2009). Global Report on Human Settlements, Planning Sustainable Cities, UN-Habitat.
Unterman, R, Small, R (1977). Site Planning for Cluster Housing, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
Zimmerman, F. (2000). Site Analysis, Excerpt from The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, Supplemental Architectural Services,13th edition.
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