Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / BTT 509E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 Week 1 (Sept 20)
Interrogating Science, Technology and Politics Interface: Introduction and Overview
2 Week 2 (Sept 27)
Visions of STS Ch1, Ch2
M. Lynch “We have never been anti-science: Reflections in Science Wars and Post-Truth”
L. Zerilli “Fact checking and truth telling in an age of alternative facts”
3 Week 3 (Oct 4)
STS in Policy Context
Excerpts from T. Mitchell Rule of expert Introduction, Ch1 (Can the mosquito speak)
S. Jasanoff “Is science socially constructed—and can it still inform public policy? Sci Eng Ethics 2, 263–276 (1996)
F. Fischer “technological Deliberation in a democratic society”
4 Week 4 (Oct 11)
Feminism and Techno-Science
Excerpts from Smelik, Lykken (Eds.) Bits of Life: Feminism at the Intersections of Media, Bioscience and Technology
D Haraway Cyborg Manifesto
M. McNeil “The Making of Feminist Cultural Studies of Technoscience”
K. Barad “Living in a PostHumanist Material World”
R. Braidotti “The Politics of Life as Bios/Zoe”
5 Week 5 (Oct 18)
Race and Technology
Excerpts from R. Benjamin Race after Technology
Excerpts from R. Benjamin (Ed.) Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination
6 Week 6 (Oct 25)
PostHumanism, TechnoFeminism 2
Braidotti "Four Theses on PostHuman Feminism"
Firestone "The Dialectics of Sex"
7 Week 7 (Nov1)
Technology and the World of Work
Excerpts from N. Dyer-Witheford, A. M. Kjosen, J. Steinhoff Inhuman Power: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Capitalism
8 Week 8 (Nov 8)
Rights in the time of the PostHuman
Excerpts from W. Connolly Neuropolitics
Interview: “Why We Need a Universal Declaration of Neurorights?”
9 Week 9 (Nov 22) MIDTERM
10 Week 10 (Nov 15)
Governing Automated Systems
Excerpts from M. Coeckelberg AI Ethics, Ch 1-2, 10-11
11 Week 11 (Dec 6)
P.P. Verbeek “Materializing Morality: Design Ethics and Technological Mediation”
P.P. Verbeek, D. Tijink Guidance Ethics Approach
12 Week 12 (Nov 29)
People’s Science, Open Science
Staunton et.al. “Open Science, Data Sahring and Solidarity: Who benefits?”
Leonelli et.al. “Data Shadows: Knowledge, Opennes and Abscence”
13 Week 13 (Dec 13) PRESENTATIONS
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