Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / STD 607E - Sanat ve Politika

STD 607E - Sanat ve Politika

Dersin Amaçları

Çağdaş sanat felsefesi açısından merkezi bir önemi olan sanat ve estetik kavramlar hakkındaki argümanların eleştirel bir şekilde kavranmasını sağlamak.
Sanat ve siyaset kuramları hakkında karşıt argümanları analiz ve değerlendirme yeteneği kazandırmak.
Sanat ve Estetik karamı argümanların güncel siyasal ve sanatsal sorunlar açısından önemini kavrama ve bu argümanların söz konusu siyasal sorunlara uygulama yeteneğini kazandırmak.
Temel sanatsal siyasal kavramları derinlikli bir şekilde öğretmek.

Dersin Tanımı

This seminar course aims to introduce students some key philosophical concepts and a set of central claims of art in relation to politics. The first part of the course introduces central concepts in aesthetics and the philosophy of art and the general approach underlying research in art. The central questions of this section are: What is art, and can it ever be defined? Are there objective standards for determining artistic value or is beauty in the eye of the beholder?” What is aesthetic taste? Is there such a thing as good taste? Can we prove that one work of art or aesthetic taste is better than another? What is the meaning of a work of art? How does art relate to emotion? Does art give us knowledge? What does our experience of art tell us about the nature of reality? The second part of the course will explore various issues surrounding freedom of expression in relation to art. It will explore bases of freedom of expression in the political theories in order to provide a general framework to what should be understood by the concept of “freedom” in the concept of art. Areas covered will include: (i) Theoretical frameworks for analyzing freedom of expression, defamation, hate expressions, obscenity, and pornography in art; (ii) Justifications for freedom of expression in art and how restrictions on freedom of expression art related issues might themselves be justified.

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