Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Uçak ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi / UZB 352E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 Dynamics of Point Masses: Kinematics. Mass, Force and Newton’s Law of Gravitation. Newton’s Law of Motion. Time Derivatives of Moving Vectors. Relative Motion.
2 Two-Body Problem: Equations of Motion in an Inertial Frame. Equations of Relative Motion. Angular Momentum and the Orbit Formulas. The Energy Law. Circular Orbits.
3 Two-Body Problem: Elliptic Orbits. Parabolic Trajectories.
4 Two-Body Problem: Hyperbolic Trajectories. Perifocal Frame. Lagrange Coefficients.
5 This subject might be moved the end of the semester: Two-Body Problem: Restricted Three-Body Problem (Lagrange Points, Jacobi Constant).
6 Orbital Positions as a Function of Time: Time since Periapsis. Circular Orbits. Elliptic Orbits.
7 Orbital Positions as a Function of Time: Parabolic Trajectories. Hyperbolic Trajectories. Universal Variables.
8 Orbits in Three Dimensions: Geocentric Right Ascension-Declination Frame. State Vector and the Geocentric Equatorial Frame. Orbit Elements and the State Vector.
9 Orbits in Three Dimensions: Coordinate Transformation. Transformation between Geocentric Equatorial and Perifocal Frames.
10 Orbits in Three Dimensions: Effects of the Earth’s Oblateness. Ground Tracks.
11 Preliminary Orbit Determination: Gibbs’ Method of Orbit Determination from Three Position Vectors. Lambert’s Problem.
12 Orbit Maneuvers: Impulsive Maneuvers. Hohmann Transfer. Bi-Elliptic Hohmann Transfer.
13 Orbit Maneuvers: Other Maneuvers.
14 Interplanetary Trajectories: Interplanetary Hohmann Transfer. Rendezvous Opportunities. Sphere of Influence. Method of Patched Conics.
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