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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Aviyonik Sistemler
English Avionic Sistems
Course Code
UCK 448 Credit Lecture
Semester 8
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Sait Nurdoğan Yurt
Course Objectives To gain an ability to use avionic systems in aviation.
Course Description Classification of avionic systems, General information about geotechnical,
radio technical, and astronautical navigation devices and systems, Collision
Warning System, Doppler radar based navigation systems, Inertial
navigation systems (INS), Gimbaled INS, Strapdown INS, Terrestrial Radio
Navigation Systems, The basics and configuration of satellite
radionavigation systems, GPS-global positioning systems, GPS accuracy
and its improvement methods, Differential GPS, External navigational source
aided INS, GPS aided Inertial navigation system, Configuration and
elements of flight control system, Principles and usage of Auto-pilot,
Longitudinal and lateral control systems.
Course Outcomes 1. Understand the classification and operating principles of the Avionic Systems
2. Understand the operating principles of the Traffic Colliance Avoidance System
3. Have basic knowledge on the main principles and elements of the Inertial Navigation Systems (INS)
4. Understand the operating principles of the Gimballed and Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems, be able to model and
estimate the INS errors
5. Have basic knowledge on the Terrestrial Radio Navigation System, understand the operating principles of the Doppler
reference system and VOR/DME aircraft positioning systems
6. Have basic knowledge on the Satellite Radio Navigation Systems, understand the operating principles of the Global
Positioning System (GPS) and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)
7. Be able to analyze the GPS data and to calculate the user position on the GPS data, understand the principles of supporting
INS with exterior navigation information
8. Have basic knowledge on the components and configuration of Flight Control Systems, understand the principles of
autopilot and usage of it
9. Understand the operating principles of the longitudinal and lateral flight control systems
Pre-requisite(s) FIZ 102E MIN DD OR FIZ 102 MIN DD OR FIZ 106 MIN DD OR FIZ 106E MIN DD
Required Facilities Computer will be used for homeworks writing
Textbook Collinson R.P.G., 1996, Introduction to Avionics, Chapman &Hall.
Other References Hacıyev Ç.M., 1999, Radyonavigasyon, ITÜ.
Kayton M. and Walter R.Fried, 1997, Avionics Navigation Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
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