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JDF 271E - Geographic Information Science

Course Objectives

Management of spatial information and especially information about geocentric positions are being an important tool for all kind of engineering disciplines. Analyze and comment of atmospheric events and explaining their effects to earth surface are the main issue in meteorological engineering field. Geographic information science-GIS present opportunities to achieve such information in a chronological order with their geographical references on computers. Therefore the knowledge and ability about the concept of GIS, design, presentation, management and applications of GIS will be very helpful.

Course Description

Geographic Information Science: This lecture covers the skills and knowledge about the concept, principles, techniques and practices of GIS such as geographical data, data models, data base, data quality, methods for data production, data collection, registration, storing, inquiring and analysis, GIS software, organizations and standards. The sections of the Geographic Information Science with the sciences of cartography, geodesy, photogrammetry and remote sensing will be emphasized pointing to its interdisciplinary usage and applications. The lecture will be supported with homeworks and seminar activities using GIS software.

Course Coordinator
Arif Çağdaş Aydınoğlu
Course Language
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