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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yukarı Atmosfer Fiziği
English Physics of Upper Atmosphere
Course Code
MTO 357E Credit Lecture
Semester 7
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Zerefşan Kaymaz
Zerefşan Kaymaz
Course Objectives 1. To introduce the physical and dynamical structure of the upper atmosphere
2. To study the variability of the upper atmosphere
3. To study the interaction between Solar phenomena and upper atmosphere
4. To study the physical and dynamical coupling mechanisms between upper and lower atmosphere.
5. To introduce and expose the importance and the role of upper atmosphere in whole atmosphere problems and their solutions.
Course Description In this class, the general physical and dynamical structure of the upper atmospheric layers, namely, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere, are studied using theory, available simple models and satellite and/or ground based data. In addition, the Sun, atmospheric layers of the Sun and solar activity, interaction between solar flares and CMEs and upper atmosphere, space weather concept and its effects on upper atmosphere, Sun-Cosmic Ray-Climate interaction are studied. Practical implications of upper atmospheric variability towards meteorological and space engineering are given.
Course Outcomes 1. Calculating the total energy from the Sun and the variables in the electromagnetic radiation laws; Using radiative balance considerations, to be able to calculate temperature of the objects; to be able to interpret the electromagnetic spectrum for objects with different temperatures; to be able to differentiate where and how to use electromagnetic laws in radiative processes.
2. Distinguishing between upper atmospheric layers and determining the dynamical and physical differences between the lower and upper atmospheric layers. Deriving and calculating the pressure and density distributions and applying for upper atmospheric conditions. Application of scale height concept for upper atmospheric conditions.
3. Calculating and interpreting the electron density and ionization production rate in the ionosphere for different solar activity conditions and at different sites at different times.
4. Calculating the maximum usable frequency to communicate at different distances on the globe and with satellites. Calculating the critical frequency of the ionospheric layers and determining the conditions of variability. Determining TEC variability using GPS systems.
5. Calculating the magnetopause distance under different solar wind and IMF conditions and interpreting the results from the view of upper atmospheric processes.
6. Determining the latitudes and conditions when auroral lights are seen at different latitudes and determining the upper atmospheric consequences.
7. Calculate the electrical currents and amount of energy (Joule heating) deposited into the upper atmosphere during magnetic storms and determining solar wind and IMF relation.
8. Determining the magnetic storms and magnetospheric substorms on the upper atmospheric circulation.
9. Determining the variations in stratospheric ozone using satellite measurements, studying solar and magnetospheric effects on ozone variability and interpreting results from the point of view of stratospheric dynamics.
10. Using spacecraft measurements, search for a relation between solar and upper atmospheric parameters.
11. To exercise and experience how to write a report and present a research work using the results of the data analysis on the topic defined. (Project)
Pre-requisite(s) none
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. The Solar-Terrestrial Environment, 1992: J.K. Hargreaves, Cambridge Univ. Pub.
2. Physics of the Upper Polar Atmosphere, A. Brekke, 1997, Praxis Pub.
Other References 1. Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere, G.P Brasseur and S. Solomon, 2005, Springer.
2. The Neutral Upper Atmosphere, S.N. Ghosh, 2002, Kluwer Academic.
3. Sun, Earth and Sky, K. Lang, 1997, Springer Verlag Pub.
4. Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics, M.L. Salby, 1996, Academic Press
5. The Upper Atmosphere, Walter Dieminger, Gerd K. Hartmann, Reinhart Leitinger, 1996, Springer-Verlag.
6. Introduction to the Space Environment, T. Tascione, 1994, Orbit Pub.
7. Physics and Chemistry of the Upper Atmosphere, M. H. Reeves, 1989, Cambridge
8. The Earth’s Ionosphere, M. Kelley, 1989, Academic Press.
9. Middle Atmospheric Dynamics, D.G. Andrews, J. R. Holton, and C.B. Leovy, 1987, Academic press.
10. The Physics of Atmospheres, J.T. Houghton, 1986, Cambridge Press
11. Introduction to Ionospheric Physics, H.R. Rishbeth and O. K. Garriott, 1969, Academic Press.
12. The Upper Atmosphere: Meteorology and Physics, R.A. Craig, 1965, Cambridge Press
13. The Neutral Upper Atmosphere, S.N. Ghosh, 2002, Kluwer Academic http://ebook3000.com/The-Neutral-Upper-Atmosphere_552066.html, http://www.ebooksdownloads.xyz/search/the-neutral-upper-atmosphere
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