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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Atmosfer Kimyası
English Atmospheric Chemistry
Course Code
MTO 323 Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Orhan Şen
Course Objectives 1.. Understand the chemical transformation and reactions in the atmosphere.
2. To learn the concepts and principles of air pollution,
3. Understand the importance of air pollution and establish a scientific basis
Course Description Physical and Chemical structure of the atmosphere. Pollutants on the atmosphere, Carbon oxides Sulphur oxides Nitrogen oxides and cycle, Reactions of hydrocarbon an the urban atmosphere. Hydrocarbon-oxides Processes on air pollution. Free-radical reactions, Photochemical Smog. Sources and sinks of particulate matter Mechanical properties of aerosols Particle size distribution Aerosol measurement Optics of aerosols, constants. Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering, size distribution Anthropogenic effects, radioactive characteristic of polluted clouds, tropospheric aerosols
Course Outcomes 1. Physical and Chemical structure of the atmosphere,
2. Pollutants on the atmosphere, Carbon oxides , Sulphur oxides,Nitrogen oxides and cycle

3. Reactions of hydrocarbon an the urban atmosphere. Hydrocarbon-oxides Processes on air pollution.
4. Photochemical Smog.

5. Optics of aerosols, constants. Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering, size distribution.
6. Aerosol measurement, Mechanical properties of aerosols
Pre-requisite(s) no
Required Facilities no
Other no
Textbook Seinfeld, John H.; Pandis, Spyros N. (2006). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics From Air Pollution to Climate Change (2nd Ed.). John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Other References Butler, J.D., Air Pollution Chemistry, London, Academic Pres, 1979.
Jennings, S.G. Aerosol Effects on Climate, The University of Arizona Pres, Tucson, 1981.
Masters, G.M., Introduction to Environmental Science, Prentice_hall. 1991.
Wayne, Richard P. (2000). Chemistry of Atmospheres (3rd Ed.). Oxford University Press.
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