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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tasarım Odaklı Düşünmenin Temelleri
English Fund. of Design Thinking
Course Code
EUT 365E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Miray Boğa
Course Objectives 1. To understand design as a a way of thinking
2. To have a notion of design not as a mere object creating activity
3. To have knowledge about other thinking ways
4. To gain experience about design thinking
Course Description What are ways of thinking? What is design? Expanded Definitions of Design, Design Processes and Innovation, Design in Different Disciplines, Design thinking Processes, Understand, Observe, Sketching, Test, Prototype, Design as an Interdisciplinary Field, Workshops of Design Thinking, Results of Design Thinking Workshops, Future Perspectives
Course Outcomes The students who take this course aquire knowledge, skills and develop competency in the following areas:
1. Have an awareness on the interdisciplinary nature of design
2. Understand design in a broader perspective
3. Have a knowledge about design thinking
4. Have experience about design thinking
Required Facilities
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