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Faculty of Architecture

Faculty of Architecture studies design and planning in studios with capacity of 996. Faculty in the two undergraduate, one graduate, current systems and environmental units are equipped with computer laboratories and two libraries provide services to students for study and research.


  • Architecture
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Industrial Product Design
  • Interior Architecture
  • Landscape Architecture


ENT 211E Industrial Design Studio
ENT 211E Industrial Design Studio
ENT 211E Industrial Design Studio
ENT 211E Industrial Design Studio
ENT 212E Society&Sustain. in Ind.Design
ENT 213E Design Models and Prototypes
ENT 213E Design Models and Prototypes
ENT 230E Parametric Solid Modeling and Design
ENT 230E Parametric Solid Modeling and Design
ENT 233E Perspective
ENT 314E Plastics Materials &Technology
ENT 324E Semiology&Semantics in Design
ENT 328E Animation App. in Indus.Design
ENT 334E Design and Form
ENT 335E Glass Design & Prod.Technology
ENT 339E Bsc.Dsgn.Prc.of Lighting Lumn.
ENT 343E Typography
ENT 345E Consumer Behavior
ENT 347E Introduction to Jewelry Design
ENT 350E Contemporary Furniture Design
ENT 353E Historical Interaction Between Modern Art and Design
ENT 354E Emotional Design
ENT 355E Space Organization
ENT 356E Color in Design
ENT 357E Mechanics and Manufacturability in Product Design
ENT 365E Fund. of Design Thinking
ENT 365E Fund. of Design Thinking
ENT 371E Bio-inspired Design
ENT 374E Graphic Design
ENT 383E Dig.Protot.&Manuf. in Ind.Des.
ENT 429E Sustainable Product Design
ENT 431E User-Experience Design
ENT 433E Street Furniture
ENT 434E Seeing in Design
ENT 436E Visualization Techniques
ENT 441E New Product Development
ENT 446E Multimedia Design Studio
ENT 447E Creativity in Interaction Dsgn
ENT 448E Visual Design
ENT 454E Traditional Handcrafts
ENT 456E Fashion Accessories Design
ENT 462E Visual Merchandising and Retail Design
ENT 475E Intro. to Automotive Design
EUT 000 Thesis Discussions
EUT 117E Int.to Indus.Prod.Dsgn.&Ethics
EUT 119E Int.to Indus.Prod.Dsgn.&Ethics
EUT 122 Design Theories and Methods
EUT 122E Design Theories and Method.
EUT 126E Materials in Design
EUT 126E Materials in Design
EUT 132E Materials in Design
EUT 138E Design Theories and Methods
EUT 138E Design Theories and Methods
EUT 141E Design Visualization I
EUT 144E Design Visualization II
EUT 144E Design Visualization II
EUT 204E Manufacturing Methods
EUT 204E Manufacturing Methods
EUT 204E Manufacturing Methods
EUT 206E Statistics
EUT 220E Industrial Design Studio I
EUT 220E Industrial Design Studio I
EUT 220E Industrial Design Studio I
EUT 220E Industrial Design Studio I
EUT 220E Industrial Design Studio I
EUT 220E Industrial Design Studio I
EUT 220E Industrial Design Studio I
EUT 220E Industrial Design Studio I
EUT 222 Sanat Tarihi
EUT 222 Art History
EUT 222E History of Art
EUT 222E History of Art
EUT 222E History of Art
EUT 231 Manufacturing Methods
EUT 231E Manufacturing Methods
EUT 237E Structure in Industrial Design
EUT 239E Model Making I
EUT 239E Model Making I
EUT 239E Model Making I
EUT 240E Model Making II
EUT 240E Model Making II
EUT 240E Model Making II
EUT 241E Computer Aided Design
EUT 241E Computer Aided Design
EUT 241E Computer Aided Design
EUT 246E History of Design I
EUT 246E History of Design I
EUT 262E Model Making II
EUT 271E Research for Product Design
EUT 272E Human Factors inProduct Design
EUT 282E Computer Aided 3D Modeling
EUT 314E Plastics Materials &Technology
EUT 315E Industrial Product Design III
EUT 316E Industrial Product Design IV
EUT 316E Industrial Product Design IV
EUT 319E Industrial Design Studio II
EUT 319E Industrial Design Studio II
EUT 319E Industrial Design Studio II
EUT 319E Industrial Design Studio II
EUT 319E Industrial Design Studio II
EUT 319E Industrial Design Studio II
EUT 319E Industrial Design Studio II
EUT 320E Industrial Design Studio III
EUT 320E Industrial Design Studio III
EUT 320E Industrial Design Studio III
EUT 320E Industrial Design Studio III
EUT 320E Industrial Design Studio III
EUT 320E Industrial Design Studio III
EUT 324E Semiology & Semantics in Design
EUT 325E History of Design II
EUT 326E Ceramics Design and Technology
EUT 328E Animation App.in Ind. Design
EUT 334 Design and Form
EUT 335E Glass Design & Prod.Technology
EUT 339E Basic Design Principles of Lighting Luminaire
EUT 341E Intr. to Mechanical Design
EUT 341E Intr. to Mechanical Design
EUT 342E Law and Legal Issues in Design
EUT 343E Typography
EUT 350E Contemporary Furniture Design
EUT 352E Project Management in Design
EUT 355E Space Organization
EUT 359E Advanced Modelmaking Techn.
EUT 365E Fund. of Design Thinking
EUT 367 Intr. to Mechanical Design
EUT 367E Intr. to Mechanical Design
EUT 371E Bio-inspired Design
EUT 383E Digital Prototyping and Manufacturing in Industrial Design
EUT 413E Industrial Product Design V
EUT 419E Industrial Design Studio IV
EUT 419E Industrial Design Studio IV
EUT 419E Industrial Design Studio IV
EUT 419E Industrial Design Studio IV
EUT 419E Industrial Design Studio IV
EUT 423E Cult.and Com.in Product Design
EUT 423E Cult.and Com.in Product Design
EUT 423E Cult.and Com.in Product Design
EUT 423E Cult.and Com.in Product Design
EUT 429E Sustainable Product Design
EUT 434E Seeing in Design
EUT 436E Visualization Techniques
EUT 436E Visualization Techniques
EUT 439E Professional Practice in Design
EUT 441E New Product Development
EUT 446E Multimedia Design Studio - Digital Design Studio
EUT 447E Creativity in Interaction Dsgn
EUT 448E Visual Design
EUT 448E Visual Design
EUT 450E Inter. Btwn.20th Cen.Art & Des
EUT 453E Basic Princip. of Yacht Dsgn
EUT 454 Traditional Handcrafts
EUT 4902E Graduation Project
EUT 4902E Graduation Project
EUT 492 Graduation Project
EUT 492E Graduation Project
EUT 619 Applied Human Factors Methods in Design Research
GSB 313E Drawing in Architecture
GSB 323E Photography and Architecture
GSB 323E Photography and Architecture
GSB 333 Improvized Play and Acting
GSB 343 Visual Analysis
GSB 363 Ceramic Applications in Architecture
ICM 103E Concep.in Hist.of Architecture
ICM 104 History and Theory in Interior Architecture
ICM 104E History&Theo.in Inte. Archit.I
ICM 119E Int.to Interior Archit.&Ethics
ICM 119E Int.to Interior Archit.&Ethics
ICM 119E Int.to Interior Archit.&Ethics
ICM 119E Int.to Interior Archit.&Ethics
ICM 119E Int.to Interior Archit.&Ethics
ICM 121 History of Art and Culture
ICM 121E History of Art and Culture
ICM 122 History of Architecture
ICM 126E His.Thry & Cr. in Int. Arch. I
ICM 204 History and Theory in Interior Architecture II
ICM 204 Theory and History in Interior Architecture II
ICM 205 History and Theory in Interior Architecture III
ICM 206E Surv and Repr.Tch. in Intr.Arch.
ICM 206E Surv and Repr.Tch. in Intr.Arch.
ICM 206E Surv and Repr.Tch. in Intr.Arch.
ICM 206E Surv and Repr.Tch. in Intr.Arch.
ICM 209E Inter.Arch.Design Fund.Studio
ICM 209E Inter.Arch.Design Fund.Studio
ICM 209E Inter.Arch.Design Fund.Studio
ICM 215 Principles of Loadbearing Structures
ICM 217E Intr.to Interior Architecture
ICM 217E Intr.to Interior Architecture
ICM 219 Introduction to Research in Design
ICM 219 Introduction to Design Research
ICM 221 History of Architecture II
ICM 226 History,Theory and criticism in Interior Architecture III
ICM 228E Survey&Rprst.Tch.In Intr.Arch.
ICM 228E Survey and Representation Techniques in Interior Architecture
ICM 231 Building Materials
ICM 231 Building Material I
ICM 242E Advanced Representation Tech.
ICM 242E Advanced Representation Tech.
ICM 244E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 246E Interior Arch. Design Studio I
ICM 305E Statistics
ICM 311 interior design project II
ICM 325 History, Theory and Criticism in Interior Architecture IV
ICM 325 History, Theory and Criticism in Interior Architecture IV
ICM 329 Textile in Interior Design
ICM 331 Environmantal Control Studio I
ICM 332 Environmental Control Studio II
ICM 333E Design Culture
ICM 343E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 346 Building Materials II
ICM 348E Dsgn Prins of Intr. Fins. Sys
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 349E Interior Arch.Design Studio II
ICM 351E Space and Furniture
ICM 351E Space and Furniture
ICM 351E Space and Furniture
ICM 351E Space and Furniture
ICM 351E Space and Furniture
ICM 351E Space and Furniture
ICM 352E Exhibition Design
ICM 355E Invstg.Colr&Light in Int.Arch
ICM 355E Invstg.Colr&Light in Int.Arch
ICM 355E Invstg.Colr&Light in Int.Arch
ICM 355E Invstg.Colr&Light in Int.Arch
ICM 360E Social Transform.,Gender&Space
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III
ICM 374 Professional Practice
ICM 4011E Advanced Representation Tech.
ICM 4012E Building Biology and Ecology
ICM 4015 Identity in Retail Design
ICM 4023E Exhibition Design
ICM 4025E Health and Design
ICM 4029E Interior Space in Cinema
ICM 4032 Architectural Styles
ICM 4038E Styles in Interior Architect.
ICM 4039E Sustainability in Inter.Arch.
ICM 4039E Sustainability in Inter.Arch.
ICM 4041E Urban Interiors
ICM 408E Comm. Design In Interior Arch.
ICM 408E Comm Design In Interior Arch.
ICM 408E Comm Design In Interior Arch.
ICM 443E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 447E Paradigm and Case Studies in Int.Arch.
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV
ICM 4902 Graduation Project
ICM 4902 Graduation Project
ICM 4902 Graduation Project
ICM 4902 Diploma Project
ICM 4902E Graduation Project
ICM 4902E Graduation Project
ICM 4902E Graduation Project
ICM 492 Graduation Project
ICM 492 Graduation Project
ICM 492 Graduation Project
ICM 492E Graduation Project
ICM 492E Graduation Project
ICM 492E Graduation Project Group B
ICM 492E Graduation Project
MIM 000 ...
MIM 103 Strength of Materials
MIM 103 Strength of Materials
MIM 103E Strength of Materials
MIM 103E Strength of Materials
MIM 103E Strength of Materials
MIM 106 Structural Mechanics
MIM 106 Structural Mechanics
MIM 106E Structural Mechanics
MIM 106E Structural Mechanics
MIM 107E Concepts of Cultural Heritage
MIM 113 Statics
MIM 113 Statics
MIM 113 Statics
MIM 113E Statics
MIM 113E Statics
MIM 113E Statics
MIM 113E Statics
MIM 113E Statics
MIM 114 Accessibility
MIM 114E Accessibility
MIM 119 Introduction to Architecture and Ethics
MIM 119E Int.to Architecture and Ethics
MIM 119E Int.to Architecture and Ethics
MIM 120E Int.toCmp.Ds.Tools&Mth.inArch.
MIM 122 Ancient and Byzantine Architecture
MIM 122 Ancient and Byzantine Architecture
MIM 122 Ancient and Byzantine Architecture
MIM 122E Ancient&Byzantine Architecture
MIM 122E Ancient&Byzantine Architecture
MIM 122E Ancient&Byzantine Architecture
MIM 125 Statics
MIM 125 Statics
MIM 125E Statics
MIM 125E Statics
MIM 126 Strength of Materials
MIM 126 Strength of Materials
MIM 126 .Strength of Materials
MIM 126 Strength of Materials
MIM 126E Strength of Materials
MIM 126E Strenght of Materials
MIM 126E Strenght of Materials
MIM 126E Strenght of Materials
MIM 162 Introduction to Building Construction
MIM 162 introduction to building construction
MIM 162E Intr.to Building Construction
MIM 162E Intr.to Building Construction
MIM 162E Intr.to Building Construction
MIM 162E Introduction to Building Construction
MIM 203 Building and Construction in Architecture
MIM 203 xx
MIM 203 Building and Construction in Architecture
MIM 203 Building and Construction in Architecture
MIM 203E Building and Construction in Architecture
MIM 203E Building and Construction in Architecture
MIM 203E Building and Construction in Architecture
MIM 204 Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204 Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204 Building Element Design in Architecture
MIM 204 Arch.Building Element Design
MIM 204 Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204 Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204 Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204 Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204 Building Element Design in Architecture
MIM 204 Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204 Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204E Arch.Building Element Design
MIM 204E Architectural Building Element Design
MIM 204E Arch.Building Element Design
MIM 204E Arch.Building Element Design
MIM 208 Structural Analysis and Design I
MIM 208 Structural Analysis & Design I
MIM 208E Structural Analysis& Design I
MIM 208E Structural Analysis& Design I
MIM 208E Structural Analysis& Design I
MIM 208E Structural Analysis& Design I
MIM 209 History of Architecture - I
MIM 209E History of Architecture I
MIM 209E History of Architecture I
MIM 210E History of Architecture II
MIM 210E History of Architecture II
MIM 210E History of Architecture II
MIM 210E History of Architecture II
MIM 210E History of Architecture II
MIM 211 Arcitectural Design III
MIM 211 Architectural Desing III
MIM 211 Architectural Design III
MIM 211 Architectural design 3
MIM 211 Architectural Design III
MIM 211 Architectural Design III
MIM 211 Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E Architectural Design III
MIM 211E restless residents
MIM 212 Arcitectural Design IV
MIM 212 Architectural Design IV
MIM 212 Architectural Design 4
MIM 212 Architectural Design IV
MIM 212 Architectural Design Studio 4
MIM 212 Architectural Design Project IV
MIM 212 Architectural Design IV
MIM 212 Architectural Design 4
MIM 212 Architectural Design 4
MIM 212 Architectural Design IV
MIM 212 Architectural Project 4
MIM 212 Architectural Design IV
MIM 212 Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 212E Architectural Design III-IV_restlessresidents
MIM 212E Architectural Design IV
MIM 213 Structural Analysis and Design II
MIM 213 Structural Analysis and Design II
MIM 213E Structural Analysis& Design II
MIM 221 History of Turkish Architecture
MIM 221 History of Turkish Architecture
MIM 221 History of Turkish Architecture
MIM 221 Turkish Architecture History
MIM 221 Turkish Architecture History
MIM 221E Hstry of Turkish Architecture
MIM 221E Hstry of Turkish Architecture
MIM 221E Hstry of Turkish Architecture
MIM 221E Hstry of Turkish Architecture
MIM 222 European Architecture
MIM 222 History of European Architecture
MIM 222 History of European Architecture
MIM 222E History of European Architecture
MIM 222E Histry of Europn Architecture
MIM 222E Histry of Europn Architecture
MIM 222E History of European Architecture
MIM 231 Building Materials
MIM 231 Building Materials
MIM 231E Building Materials
MIM 231E Building Materials
MIM 232 Reinforced Concrete Structures
MIM 232E Reinforced Concrete Structures
MIM 232E Reinforced Concrete Structures
MIM 232E Reinforced Concrete Structures
MIM 234 Reinforced Concrete Structures
MIM 234 Reinforced Concrete Structures
MIM 234 Reinforced Concrete Structures
MIM 234E Reinforced Concrete Structures
MIM 242 Environmental Control Studio
MIM 242E Environmental Control Studio
MIM 244 building element design
MIM 244 Building Element Design
MIM 244 Building Element Design
MIM 244 Building Element Design
MIM 244E Building Element Design
MIM 246 Environmental Control Studio
MIM 246E Environmental Control Studio
MIM 252 Architectural Design Theory
MIM 252 Architectural Design Theories
MIM 253 Steel Structures
MIM 253 Steel Structures
MIM 253E Steel Structures
MIM 253E Steel Structures
MIM 253E Steel Structures
MIM 253E Steel Structures
MIM 253E Steel Structures
MIM 253E Steel Structures
MIM 261 Building Conctruction Methods
MIM 261 Building Conctruction Methods
MIM 261E Building Construction Methods
MIM 263E Building Construction Methods
MIM 271 Theory of Structures
MIM 271 Theory of Structures
MIM 271 Theory of Structures
MIM 271E Theory of Structures
MIM 271E Theory of Structures
MIM 304 History of Architecture III
MIM 304E History of Architecture III
MIM 304E History of Architecture III
MIM 305E Statistics
MIM 306 Urbanism and Planning Law
MIM 306 Urbanism and Planning Law
MIM 306 Urpan Planning and Law
MIM 306E Urbanism and Planning Law
MIM 306E Urbanism and Planning Law
MIM 306E Urbanism and Planning Law
MIM 312 Architectural Design vı
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design 5
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 architectural design 6
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Project VI
MIM 312 Architectural design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design 6
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design 6
MIM 312 Architectural Design 6
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312 Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 312E Architectural Design VI
MIM 318 Computer Appl. in Evaluation of Climatic Perf. of Built Env.
MIM 321 .
MIM 321 Contemporary Architecture
MIM 321 Contemporary Architecture
MIM 321E Contemporary Architecture
MIM 321E Contemporary Architecture
MIM 321E Contemporary Architecture
MIM 321E Contemporary Architecture
MIM 321E Contemporary Architecture
MIM 321E Contemporary Architecture
MIM 322 Conservation of Historic Buildings and Sites
MIM 322 Conservation of Historical Buildings and Sites
MIM 322E Conservation of historic buildings and sites
MIM 322E Conserv.of Hist. Build.&Sites
MIM 322E Conservation of Historic Buildings & Sites
MIM 328 Contemporary Building Materials
MIM 331 Buıldıng Productıon Systems
MIM 331E Building Production Systems
MIM 332 Construction Management and Economics
MIM 332 Construction Management and Economics
MIM 332 Construction Management and Economics
MIM 332E Construction Mngmnt & Economy
MIM 333E Building Production Systems
MIM 333E Building Production Systems
MIM 333E Building Production Systems
MIM 335E Energy Efficient Housing
MIM 336 Spatial Analysis and Techniques in Architecture
MIM 340E Catering Design
MIM 341E Urbanism and Planning Law
MIM 342 Landscape
MIM 342 Landscape
MIM 343 ...............
MIM 343 Şehircilik ve İmar Hukuku
MIM 343E Urbanism and Planning Law
MIM 344 Information Technologies in Architecture
MIM 346 Building, Climate and Energy relationship
MIM 348 Materials Selection in Construction
MIM 351 architectural design 5
MIM 351 Architectural Design 5
MIM 351 Architectural Design 5
MIM 351 Architectural Design V
MIM 351 Mimari Proje V
MIM 351 Architectural Design V
MIM 351 Architectural Design V
MIM 351 Architectural Projetc v
MIM 351 Architectural Design 5
MIM 351 Architectural Design 5
MIM 351 Architectural Design VI
MIM 351 Architectural Projract V
MIM 351 Architectural Design 5
MIM 351 Architectural Design 5
MIM 351 Architectural Design V
MIM 351 architectural design 5-6
MIM 351 Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V-VI
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 351E Architectural Design V
MIM 352 Structural System Design
MIM 355E Architecture and Interdisciplinary Studies
MIM 355E Archit.&Interdıscıplınary Std.
MIM 356 Photography
MIM 356 Photography
MIM 356E Photography
MIM 358 Protective Building Materials
MIM 358 Protective Building Materials
MIM 359 Construction Management and Economics
MIM 359 Construction Management and Economy
MIM 359E Construction Mngmnt & Economy
MIM 359E Construction Mngmnt & Economy
MIM 360E Design Principles of Building Elements
MIM 361 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361E Archtctrl Survey & Restrtn Std
MIM 361E Architectural Survey & Restoration studio
MIM 361E Archtctrl Survey & Restrtn Std
MIM 361E Archtctrl Survey & Restrtn Std
MIM 361E Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 361E Archtctrl Survey & Restrtn Std
MIM 361E Archtctrl Survey & Restrtn Std
MIM 361E Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 364 Design With Natural Aspects
MIM 364E Design with Natural Aspects
MIM 364E Design with Natural Aspects
MIM 364E Design with Natural Aspects
MIM 366 Representation Techniques in Architecture
MIM 366E Free Hand Draw.in Architecture
MIM 368 Structural Building Materials
MIM 370E Internal Sub-Div Sys in Bldngs
MIM 371E Byzantine Heritage in İstanbul
MIM 372 Utilization of Concrete Technology in Architecture
MIM 375 Settlement and Architecture in Ancient Anatolian Cities
MIM 375 Settlement and Architecture in Ancient Anatolian Cities
MIM 375 Settlement and Architecture in Ancient Anatolian Cities
MIM 377E Cities and Architecture
MIM 378E Tall Building Structures
MIM 379 Wood in Architectural Design and Construction
MIM 380 External Wall Systems
MIM 392 Content of Architecture
MIM 394 Solar Architecture
MIM 4010 Architectural Design Theories
MIM 4010E Theories of Architectural Design
MIM 4011 Photography
MIM 4013 Architecture and Its Effects
MIM 4013E Architecture and Its Effects
MIM 4014E Design with Natural Aspects
MIM 4016 Computer Appl. in Evaluation of Climatic Perf. of Built Env.
MIM 4021 Information Technologies in Architecture
MIM 4023 Building Material Selection
MIM 4027 Settlement and Architecture in Ancient Anatolian Cities
MIM 4028 Wood in Architectural Design and Construction
MIM 4029 Solar Architecture
MIM 4031 Architect Sinan
MIM 4031 Architect Sinan
MIM 4031 Architect Sinan
MIM 4037 Human Resources Management in Building Construction
MIM 4038 Problems of Housing Planning & Design
MIM 4039 Architecture & Society in Antiquity
MIM 4040 Introduction to Programming Logic
MIM 4040 Introduction to Programming Logic
MIM 4040 Introduction to Programming Logic
MIM 4040 Introduction to Programming Logic
MIM 4040 Introduction to Programming Logic
MIM 4040 Introduction to Programming Logic
MIM 4041 Architectural Design of High-rise Building
MIM 4041 Architecture Design of High-Rise Building
MIM 4041 Architecture Design of High-Rise Building
MIM 4042 Late Ottoman architecture
MIM 4042 Late Ottoman Architecture
MIM 4044 Architectural Morphology
MIM 4046E Social Psychology
MIM 4050E Free Hand Draw.in Architecture
MIM 4050E Free Hand Draw.in Architecture
MIM 4052E Cities and Architecture
MIM 4053E Tall Building Structures
MIM 4055E Art of the 20th Century
MIM 4055E Art of the 20th Century
MIM 4055E Art of the 20th Century
MIM 4056E Design & Fabric.Tech. in Arch.
MIM 4060E Restoration of Cultural Prop.
MIM 4061E Design Drawing and Other Stories
MIM 4062E Topog.Pract. Arch.,Art&theCity
MIM 4062E Topog.Pract. Arch.,Art&theCity
MIM 4066E Generating Livable Environment
MIM 4069E Earthquake Resist.Building Dsg
MIM 4069E Earthquake Resist.Building Dsg
MIM 4069E Earthquake Resist.Building Dsg
MIM 4072E Architecture,Cities and Cinema
MIM 4072E Architecture,Cities and Cinema
MIM 4072E Architecture,Cities and Cinema
MIM 4072E Architecture,Cities and Cinema
MIM 4074E Stru.Sys.Pro.of Mon.&Hist.Cons
MIM 4078E History of Art and Culture
MIM 4079 Three-dimensional thinking and expression techniques
MIM 4080E Art and Architecture in Asia
MIM 4081 Masonry Construction and Repair
MIM 4082E Mod&Contemp.Arch.in Yugoslavia
MIM 4083 Istanbul's Development since the 19th Century
MIM 4084 Grand Projects in the History of Istanbul
MIM 4085E Byzantine Heritage in İstanbul
MIM 410 Architect Sinan
MIM 410E Architect Sinan
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural design 7
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design 7
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411 Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 411E Architectural Design VII
MIM 412 Garden Designs in History and Architecture
MIM 413E Art of the 20th Century
MIM 413E Art of the 20th Century
MIM 413E Art of the 20th Century
MIM 413E Art of the 20th Century
MIM 415E Housing Dsg Phil of Contm Arch
MIM 415E Housing Dsg Phil of Contm Arch
MIM 418E Design & Fabric.Tech. in Arch.
MIM 420E Logic and Theory of Design
MIM 421 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 421 Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 421E Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio
MIM 423 Architecture After 1980
MIM 423E Architecture After 1960
MIM 425E Architecture Today
MIM 427E Restoration of Cultural Property
MIM 428E Design Drawing and Other Stories
MIM 429E Topographical Practices
MIM 431 Construction Project
MIM 431 Construction Project
MIM 431 Construction Project
MIM 431 Construction Project
MIM 431 Construction Project
MIM 431 Construction Project
MIM 431 Construction Project
MIM 431 Construction Project
MIM 431E Construction Project
MIM 431E Construction Project
MIM 433 Infill Problems in Urban Historic Sites
MIM 433E Infill Prob.in Urban Hist.Site
MIM 435E Modern Concepts of Architectural Conservation
MIM 436 Introduction to Conservation Science
MIM 437E Analysis & Critics on Contemporary World Architecture
MIM 438 Surveying with Optical and Electronic Equipment
MIM 438 Architectural Survey with optical and electronic equipment
MIM 439 Computer Applications in Architecture
MIM 440E Generating Livable Environment
MIM 440E Generating Livable Environment
MIM 441 Conservation in Archaeological Sites
MIM 442E Detail Design Methods of Contemporary Architecture
MIM 449 Housing and Change
MIM 455 Human Resources Management in Building Construction
MIM 457 .
MIM 461 Environmental Design for the Disabled and Elderly
MIM 461E Envir.Dsg.for the Dis.&Elderly
MIM 462 Contemporary Design within Historical Settings
MIM 464 ancient architecture and society
MIM 465E Building Sub-Structure & Ground
MIM 466 Architecture and Its Effects
MIM 466E Architecture and Its Effects
MIM 467 Pascal Programming
MIM 471E Earthquake Resistant.Building Design
MIM 471E Earthquake Resistant Building Design
MIM 474E Computational Space Anlaysis
MIM 474E Computational Space Anlaysis
MIM 475 architectural design of tall buildings
MIM 475 Architecture Design of High-Rise Building
MIM 478 Late Ottoman Architecture
MIM 478 .
MIM 480E The Changing Workplace
MIM 481 The Layers Of Istanbul
MIM 482E Architecture,Cities and Cinema
MIM 482E Architecture,Cities and Cinema
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484 Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 484E Construction Project
MIM 485E Building Construction Techniques
MIM 486E Stru.Sys.Pro.of Mon.&Hist.Cons
MIM 4902 Diploma Project
MIM 4902E Diploma Project
MIM 4902E Diploma Project
MIM 4902E Diploma Project
MIM 491 Architectural Morphology
MIM 497 Time Management in Building Production
MIM 497E Time Mng.in Building Prod.
MYZ 306E Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design
MYZ 306E Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design
MYZ 306E Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design
MYZ 306E Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design
MYZ 306E Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design
MYZ 306E Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design
PEM 101E Landscape Design & Representation
PEM 119E Int.Landscape Architec.&Ethics
PEM 120E Natural Systems &Design
PEM 120E Natural Systems &Design
PEM 124E His.ofLandscape Architecture I
PEM 126E Hist.Theo.&Crtc.in Lndsc.Arc.I
PEM 131 Introduciton to Landscape Architecture
PEM 131E Intr.Landscape Architecture
PEM 132 Plant materials I
PEM 132E Plant Material I
PEM 134E Plant Material I
PEM 134E Plant Material I
PEM 134E Plant Material I
PEM 152E Natural Systems and Design
PEM 205E Comp. Aided Landscape Arch.
PEM 205E Comp. Aided Landscape Arch.
PEM 205E Comp. Aided Landscape Arch.
PEM 207E Statistics
PEM 207E Statistics for Research and Design
PEM 209E Landform & Built Envir.Studio
PEM 209E Landform & Built Envir.Studio
PEM 209E Landform & Built Envir.Studio
PEM 210E Planting Design Studio
PEM 210E Planting Design Studio
PEM 210E Planting Design Studio
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 212E Landscape Design I
PEM 214E Resilient Urban Design
PEM 222E Soil Science
PEM 223E His.of Landscape Architec. II
PEM 223E His.of Landscape Architec. II
PEM 225E Hist.Theo.&Crtc.inLndsc.Arc.II
PEM 231 Plant materials II
PEM 231E Plant Material II
PEM 231E Plant Material II
PEM 231E Plant Material II
PEM 231E Plant Material II
PEM 231E Plant Material II
PEM 231E Plant Material II
PEM 231E Plant Material II
PEM 231E Plant Material II
PEM 241 Theory of Landcape Architecture
PEM 242E Landscape Ecology
PEM 244E Landscape Construction II
PEM 248E Planting Design
PEM 251E Int.to Geographical Inf.Sys.
PEM 252E Landscape Construct.&Materials
PEM 253E Landscape Construction I
PEM 253E Landscape Construction I
PEM 256E Planting Design Studio
PEM 256E Planting Design Studio
PEM 256E Planting Design Studio
PEM 303E Int.to Geographical Inf.Sys.
PEM 303E Int.to Geographical Inf.Sys.
PEM 305E Landscape Construction II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 311E Landscape Design II
PEM 312E Landscape Design III
PEM 312E Landscape Design III
PEM 312E Landscape Design III
PEM 312E Landscape Design III
PEM 312E Landscape Design III
PEM 312E Landscape Design III
PEM 312E Landscape Design III
PEM 312E Landscape Design III
PEM 316E Urban Land. Pln& Design
PEM 317E Urban Furniture and Space
PEM 324E Landscape Management
PEM 327E Adv.Rendering Tech.inLandscape
PEM 331 Forestration & Plantation Techniques
PEM 331E Forestation&Plantation Tech.
PEM 341 Planting Design
PEM 342 Rural Landscape Planning
PEM 342E Rural Landscape Planning
PEM 343E Landscape Construction III
PEM 343E Landscape Construction III
PEM 343E Landscape Construction III
PEM 343E Landscape Construction III
PEM 351E Int.to Geographical Inf.Sys.
PEM 353E Int.to Geographical Inf.Sys.
PEM 353E Introduction To Geographical Information Systems
PEM 353E Int.to Geographical Inf.Sys.
PEM 356E Rural Landscape Plan.&Design
PEM 4012E Adv.Rendering Tech.inLands.
PEM 4014E Dig.Repres.Tech.for Lands.Dsgn
PEM 4016E Infrastructure Planning&Dev.
PEM 4016E Infrastructure Planning&Dev.
PEM 4018E Landscape and Art
PEM 4019E Social Asspect of Landsc.Arch.
PEM 4022E Urban Furniture and Space
PEM 4023E Urban Visual Analysis
PEM 405E Const.Drawi.Tch.in Landsc.Dsgn
PEM 407E Const.Drawi.Tch.in Landsc.Dsgn
PEM 411E Landscape Design IV
PEM 411E Landscape Design IV
PEM 411E Landscape Design IV
PEM 411E Landscape Design IV
PEM 411E Landscape Design IV
PEM 411E Landscape Design IV
PEM 415E EnviroEnvironmental Aestheticsnmental Aesthetics
PEM 415E Environmental Aesthetics
PEM 419E Landscape Management
PEM 422E Professional Practice & Ethics in Landscape Arhitecture
PEM 429 Landscape and Law
PEM 433E Topics in Landscape Urbanism
PEM 4902E Graduation Project
PEM 4902E Graduation Project
PEM 4902E Graduation Project
PEM 4902E Graduation Project
PEM 492 Graduation Project
PEM 492E Graduation Project
PEM 492E Graduation Project
PEM 492E Graduation Project
RMB 100 Re-Use of Modernist Buildings
SBP 000 Phd
SBP 000 Urban Conservation
SBP 000 Academic Advising
SBP 000 Urban Conservation
SBP 101 City and Migration
SBP 103E Role of Prof.in Sustainability
SBP 105E Other Worlds
SBP 111E Project I
SBP 111E Project I
SBP 112 Project II
SBP 112E Visual Communication I: Visualization and Technical Drawing
SBP 119 Intro. to Urban and Regional Plann. and Ethic
SBP 119 Intr. to Urban and Regional Planning &Ethic
SBP 119E Int.to Urb.&Regio.Plann.&Ethic
SBP 120E Intr.to Cmp.Sys.in Urban Std.
SBP 126 GIS and Planning
SBP 126E GIS and Planning
SBP 205E Evaluat.of Statis.Data in Dsgn
SBP 205E Evaluat.of Statis.Data in Dsgn
SBP 205E Statistics
SBP 205E Evaluat.of Statis.Data in Dsgn
SBP 205E Statistics
SBP 207E Project III: Site Plan.&Design
SBP 207E Project III: Site Plan.&Design
SBP 207E Project III: Site Plan.&Design
SBP 207E Project III: Site Plan.&Design
SBP 207E Project III: Site Plan.&Design
SBP 208 Urban Economics
SBP 208 Urban Economics
SBP 208E Urban Economics
SBP 210E Urban Sociology
SBP 210E Urban Sociology
SBP 211 Project 3
SBP 214E Geography
SBP 214E Geography
SBP 218 Project IV
SBP 218 Project IV
SBP 218 Project IV
SBP 218 ProjectIV
SBP 218 Project IV
SBP 218 project 4
SBP 218 Project IV
SBP 218 Project IV: Spatial Strategic Planing & Policy Making
SBP 218 Project IV
SBP 218E ProjectIV
SBP 218E Spatial Strategic Planning and Policy Making
SBP 218E ProjectIV
SBP 218E ProjectIV
SBP 218E ProjectIV
SBP 218E ProjectIV
SBP 218E ProjectIV
SBP 218E Project IV: Spatial Strategic Planing & Policy Making
SBP 218E ProjectIV
SBP 218E Project IV
SBP 221E Land Use Planning
SBP 222 Urban Economics
SBP 222E Urban Economics_Exam
SBP 223 Land Use Planning
SBP 223 Land Use Planning
SBP 223 Land Use Planning
SBP 223E Land Use Planning
SBP 223E Land Use Planning
SBP 223E Land Use Planning
SBP 223E Land Use Planning
SBP 223E Land Use Planning
SBP 224 Urban & Environmental Geology
SBP 224E Urban & Environmental Geology
SBP 227E Physical Environmental Control
SBP 232 The City in History
SBP 232 The City in History
SBP 232E The City in History
SBP 232E The City in History
SBP 234 Urban Sociology
SBP 234 Urban Sociology
SBP 234 Urban Sociology
SBP 234E Urban Sociology
SBP 242 Planning Theory and Techniques
SBP 242 Planning Theory and Techniques
SBP 242E Planlama Kavramı ve Teknikleri
SBP 243E Urban Transportation
SBP 245 Urban Transportation
SBP 245 Urban Transportation
SBP 245E Urban Transportation
SBP 245E Urban Transportation
SBP 245E Urban Transportation
SBP 251 Urban and Regional Planning
SBP 251E Urban Engineering
SBP 252 Housing and Site Planning
SBP 252E Housing and Site Planning
SBP 261E Fiziksel Çevre Kontrolü
SBP 262 Landscape Planning and Design
SBP 262 Landscape Planning and Design
SBP 262 Landscape Planning and Design
SBP 262 Landscape Planning and Design
SBP 262 Landscape Planning and Design
SBP 262 Landscape Planning and Design
SBP 262E Landscape Planning and Design
SBP 311 Project V
SBP 311 Project V
SBP 311 Project V: Spatial Planning & Urban Development
SBP 311 Project V
SBP 311E Project V (Spatial Planning and Urban Development)
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V: Spatial Planning & Urban Development
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V
SBP 311E Project V: Spatial Planning and Urban Development
SBP 311E Prj.V:Spatial Plan.&Urb.Dev.
SBP 312 Project VI
SBP 312 Project VI ÜNYE
SBP 312 Project VI: Spatial Planning in Action
SBP 312E Project VI
SBP 312E Proj.VI:Spatial Plan.in Act.
SBP 312E Project VI
SBP 312E Project VI
SBP 312E Project VI
SBP 312E Project VI
SBP 312E Project VI
SBP 312E Project VI
SBP 315E Human Culture & Environment
SBP 317 Regional Science and Planning
SBP 317E Regional Science and Planning
SBP 318E Heritage Conservation and Planning
SBP 321E Urban Design
SBP 323 Urban Design
SBP 327 Urban Law and Managament
SBP 327 Urban Law and Management
SBP 327E Urban Law and Management
SBP 327E Urban Law and Management
SBP 331 Site Conservation
SBP 334E Natural Hazards & Urban Safety
SBP 337 Open - Common Spaces and Changing Procedures in Settlements
SBP 338 Quantitative Methods in Planning
SBP 338 Quantitative Methods in Planning
SBP 338E Quantitative Methods In Planning
SBP 342 SBP 344 Urban Renewal
SBP 342 Urban Renewal
SBP 342E SBP 344E Urban Renewal
SBP 342E Urban Renewal
SBP 343E Urban Law and Management
SBP 345 Housing Problem and Policy
SBP 346E Transformation of Urban Systems
SBP 348 Urban Ecology
SBP 354E Urban Geography&Inequalities
SBP 356E Remote Sensing
SBP 356E Remote Sensing
SBP 358E Real Estate Economics
SBP 365 Open-Common Spaces and Changing Procedures in Settlements
SBP 366E Introduction to Environmental Problems
SBP 4016 Migration and City
SBP 4017E Univ.Dsgn.for Urban Environm.
SBP 4018E Models & Impl.of Urban Regenr.
SBP 4021 metropolitan developmnet dynamics
SBP 4022E Participation in Planning
SBP 4023 Social Policy and Urban Planning
SBP 4023 Social Policy and Planning
SBP 4024 Taşınmaz Mal (Gyrm) Değerlemesi
SBP 4026E Healthy Cities
SBP 4027E Large Scale Urban Projects
SBP 4029E Other Worlds
SBP 4030E Pluralist Planning Approaches
SBP 4031E Real Estate Economics
SBP 4033E Rural Settlements and Problems
SBP 4035E Systms Apprch & Planning Mthds
SBP 4036E Transformation of Urban Systems
SBP 4037E Urban Ecology
SBP 4039E Urban Geography&Inequalities
SBP 411 Project VII Urban Design
SBP 411 Project VII (Urban Design Project)
SBP 411 Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII (Urban Design Project)
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII: Urban Design
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII: Urban Design
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 411E Project VII
SBP 412E Disastr Mitigtion in Urbn Plan
SBP 418 Participation in Planning
SBP 418E Participation in Planning
SBP 421 Regional Science/Regional Theory and Techniques
SBP 421E Regional Science/Theory&Technq
SBP 423 Regional Science and Planning
SBP 423E Regional Science and Planning
SBP 424E Creative Cities
SBP 427E Comparative Studies of Urban Planning
SBP 431E Metropolitan Planning
SBP 433E Healthy Cities
SBP 436E Universal Design for Urban Environment
SBP 438 Metropolitan Development Dynamics
SBP 439 Metropolitan Planning
SBP 439E Metropolitan Planning
SBP 443 Valuation of Real Estate
SBP 443 Valuation of Real Estate
SBP 447E Urban Structure and Form
SBP 448 Urban Identity and Image
SBP 450 Urban Regeneration Models and Practices
SBP 453E Sustainable Plan. and Developm
SBP 457 Social Policy and Planning
SBP 467 Squatter Phenomenon
SBP 487 Planning and Design for Urban Space
SBP 4902 Diploma Projesi
SBP 4902 Graduation Project
SBP 4902 Graduation Project
SBP 4902 diploma project
SBP 4902 Graduation Project
SBP 4902 Graduation Project
SBP 4902E Graduation Project
SBP 4902E Graduation Project
SBP 4902E Graduation Project
SBP 492 Final
SBP 492 Graduation Project
SBP 492E Final Project
SBP 492E Final Project
TES 111E Project I Fall 22-23
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I Fall 21-22
TES 111E Project I-14687
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 111E Project I
TES 112E Visual Communication I
TES 112E Visual Communication I
TES 112E Visual Communication I: Visualization and Technical Drawing
TES 112E Visual Communication I
TES 112E Visual Communication I
TES 112E Visual Communication I
TES 112E Visual Communication I
TES 112E Visual Communication I
TES 112E VC I 23-24 Fall
TES 112E Visual Communication I Fall 22-23
TES 112E Visual Communication I
TES 113E Basic Design & Visual Arts 22-23 Fall
TES 113E Basic Design & Visual Arts
TES 113E Basic Design & Visual Arts
TES 113E Basic Design & Visual Arts
TES 113E Basic Design & Visual Arts
TES 113E Basic Design & Visual Arts
TES 113E Basic Design & Visual Arts
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project 2
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II
TES 121E Project II_2022-2023 Summer School
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp '21 Spring
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Visual Communication II: Visualization and Perspective
TES 122E Visual Communication II: Visualization and Perspective
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Visual Communication II: Visualization and Perspective
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 122E Vis.CommII:Visualization&Persp
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
TES 211E Project III
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