SBP 411 - Project VII (Urban Design Project)
Course Objectives
The aim of the study is to;
• Maintain the harmony of public, economic and spatial interaction between study areas and the inclusive system of the city of Istanbul,
• Putting forward alternative spatial proposals for the solution of defined problems,
• And presenting those proposals in forms of technical reports, graphical expressions and three dimensional products.
Course Description
The city walls and close environments in the Historical Peninsula have been selected as study area. The city walls are western boundary of Historical core. These walls separate historical and new urban pattern. Some vegetable gardens are located along the walls. The area has rich land use and urban pattern, socio-economical variety. On the other hand this area has several problems needed to be solved. City walls are also very important urban design component with the features of boundary and separator. The gates of the city walls define alternative project areas which connecting two urban pattern on the two sides of walls. Because of such characteristics, these areas need qualified urban design projects. It is expected to produce urban design projects to solve existing urban design problems and emphasize these features in the area immediate surroundings.
Course Coordinator
Hasan Serdar Kaya
Course Language