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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / EUT 423E - Ürün Tasarımında Kültür ve İletişim

EUT 423E - Cult.and Com.in Product Design

Course Objectives

1. Introducing the theories on language, culture, communication and meaning
2. Improving the abilities of criticism and analysis
3. Introducing and examining the object and subject centered approaches in
understanding design.
4. Literacy on artifacts in the context of meaning

Course Description

Ürün Introduction to communication, meaning and representation in design, history and aims, Analizi,Anlambilimsel Ürün eskiz çalışması,Anlambilim ve Reklam
Linguistics and semiotics as the basics for product centered approaches, Denotation,
connotation, signifier, signified and sign, Index, icon and symbol, Basic concepts in subject
centered design, Semiotic Advertising Analysis, Consumer Culture and System of Objects,
Introduction to Product Semantics, Meaning of products in the context of life and genesis,
Meaning of products in the context of artifact ecologies, Emotion, experience and design,
Product Analysis, Semantic Sketching, Product Semantics and Advertising

Course Coordinator
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Course Language
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